I. Water

13:56 - 2016/01/03

150. Water makes najis thing Pak, when the following four conditions are fulfilled:

The water should be pure. Hence a najis thing cannot be made Pak with mixed water like rose-water, or melon-water etc. (Mudhaaf)
The water should be Pak.
The water should not turn into Mudhaaf while the najis thing is being washed. Furthermore, the smell, colour, or taste of the najasat should not exist after the final washing, but if changes occur during earlier washings, there is no harm in it. For example, if a thing is washed with Kurr-water,or under-Kurr water and, in order to make it Pak, it is necessary to wash it twice, it will become Pak if the changes in the water do not occur in the second washing. Any changes occurring in the first washing would not matter.
Small particles of Najisul Ayn should not remain behind in a najis thing after it has been washed. Other conditions for making najis thing Pak by water less than Kurr will be mentioned later.

151. The interior of a najis vessel, or utensil, must be washed three times if less than Kurr water is used, and as per obligatory precaution, the same will apply if Kurr or running water is used. If a dog drinks water or any other liquid from a utens il, the utensil should be first scrubbed with Pak earth, and after washing off the dust, it should be washed twice with Kurr or lesser water. Similarly, if the dog licks a utensil, and something remains in it, it should be scrubbed with dust before washin g. And if the saliva of a dog falls into the utensil, as per obligatory precaution, it should be scrubbed with dust and then washed with water three times.

152. If the mouth of a utensil which a dog has licked, is narrow, dust should be thrown into it and after adding some quantity of water, it should be shaken vigorously, so that the dust may reach all parts of it. Thereafter, the utensil should be wash ed in the manner mentioned above.

153. If a utensil is licked by a pig, or if it drinks any liquid from it, or in which a field-mouse has died, then it should be washed seven times with running water, or Kurr or lesser water. It will not be necessary to scour it with dust.

154. A utensil which becomes najis because of alcoholic beverage, should be washed three times, with no difference between Kurr, lesser, or running water.

155. If an earthenware has been made of najis clay, or najis water has penetrated in it, it should be put into Kurr or running water, so that wherever water reaches, it will be Pak. And if it is intended to make its interior Pak it should be left in Kurr or running water for such time, that the water would penetrate into its entire structure. And if the earthenware is moist, preventing water from reaching its inner parts, then it should be allowed to dry up, before it is put in Kurr or running water.

156. A najis utensil can be made Pak with under-Kurr water in two ways:

The utensil should be filled up with water and emptied three times.
Some quantity of water is poured in it, and then the utensil is vigorously shaken, so that the water reaches all najis parts before it is spilled. This should be done three times.

157. If a large pot like a cauldron etc. becomes najis, it will be Pak if it is filled up with water three times, and emptied every time. Alternatively, if water is poured from above three times, in such a way that it reaches all its sides, and then the water which collects at the bottom is drawn out everytime, it will become Pak. But as a recommended precaution, the vessel used for drawing out water should be washed, when being used for the second and third time.

158. If najis copper and similar things are melted, and washed with water, their exterior becomes Pak.

159. If a baking oven (Tannur) becomes najis with urine, and if water is poured into it once from above, in a manner that it reaches all its sides, the oven will become Pak. But as a recommended precaution, this should be done twice. And if the oven h as become najis due to something other than urine, then the najasat should be eliminated first, and thereafter, water will be poured into it as described. It is better that a pit or hole is dug at the bottom, so that water collects there. That water is th en drawn out, and the pit is filled with Pak earth.

160. If a najis thing is immersed once in Kurr or running water, in such a way that water reaches all its najis parts, it becomes Pak. And in the case of a carpet or dress, it is not necessary to squeeze or wring or press it. And when body or dress is najis because of urine, it must be washed twice even in Kurr water.

161. When a thing which has become najis with urine, is to be made Pak with water less than Kurr, it should be poured once, and as water flows off eliminating all the traces of urine, the thing will become Pak.

But if dress or body has become najis be cause of urine, it must be washed twice so that it is Pak. When a cloth or a carpet and similar things are made Pak with water which is less than Kurr, it must be wrung, or squeezed, till the water remaining in it runs out.

162. If anything becomes najis with the urine of a suckling child, who has not yet started taking solid food, and, as a precaution, is less than two years old, the thing will be Pak if water is poured over it once, reaching all parts which had been na jis.

As a recommended precaution, water should be poured over it once again. And if it is a carpet or dress etc. it will not be necessary to squeeze it.

163. If anything becomes najis with najasat other than urine, it becomes Pak by first removing the najasat and then pouring under Kurr water once, allowing it to flow off. But, if it is a dress etc., it should be squeezed so that the remaining water s hould flow off.

164. If it is proposed to make Pak a mat, woven with thread, it should be immersed in Kurr or running water. When the essential najasat disappears from it, it will be Pak. But if one uses under Kurr water for making it Pak, then it must be wrung or sq ueezed in whatever way possible, even by passing it under the feet, till water in it runs off.

165. If the exterior of wheat, rice, soap etc. becomes najis, it becomes Pak by dipping it in Kurr or running water. But, if their interior becomes najis, they will be Pak if Kurr or running water reaches the internal parts. However, in the case of a soap and similar objects, water does not reach the internal parts at all.

166. If one doubts whether najis water has seeped into the interior of soap or not, its interior will be considered Pak.

167. If the outer part of rice, meat, or any other similar thing becomes najis, it may be placed in a bowl etc., and then water is poured on it once.Then the bowl is emptied, so that the objects in it become Pak. But if the bowl itself is najis, this process must be repeated three times. At the end, the bowl will also become Pak.
If one wishes to make a dress or similar thing Pak in a container, one will pour water, and then press and squeeze the object and tilt the container, so that the remaining wa ter pours off.

168. If a najis dress, which has been dyed with indigo or with any similar dye, is dipped into Kurr or running water, it will become Pak if water reaches all its parts before water becomes mudhaaf with colour. But if it is made Pak with less than Kurr water, it will become Pak only if mudhaaf water does not come out at the time of wringing or squeezing.

169. If a dress is washed with Kurr-water or running water, and later, for example, black mud is found stuck on it, the dress will be Pak if one does not suspect that the black mud has prevented water from reaching the dress.

170. If slush of mud or soap is seen on dress etc. after being made Pak with water, it will be considered Pak. However, if najis water has reached the interior of mud or soap, then the exterior of the slush will be Pak, and its interior will be najis.

171. A najis thing does not become Pak unless the Najisul Ayn is removed from it, but there is no harm if the colour, or smell of the najasat remains in it. So, if blood is removed from a cloth, and the cloth is made Pak with water, it will become Pak ev en if the colour of blood remains on it.

But if, on account of the smell or colour, it becomes certain, or seems probable that some particles of najasat are still present in the cloth etc., it will remain najis.

172. If najasat of the body is removed in Kurr or running water, the body will become Pak, except when it is najis because of urine, for which one washing is not enough. But it is not necessary to walk in and out of water to achieve two washing. If a person under water wipes the najis part with hand, allowing water to reach there again, it will suffice.

173. If najis food remains between the teeth, and water is taken in the mouth and moved in such a way that it reaches the entire najis food, the food becomes Pak.

174. If the najis hair of head and face is washed with under Kurr-water and if it is not overgrown, it is not necessary to squeeze them for remaining water to flow off.

175. If a part of the najis body, or dress is washed with under Kurr-water the parts adjacent to it where water usually reaches will become Pak, when the najis part becomes Pak. It means that it is not necessary to wash those sides independently, as t he najis part and parts around it become Pak together.
And similar is the case, if a Pak thing is placed by the side of a najis thing, and water is poured on both of them. Hence, if water is poured on all fingers while trying to make one najis finger Pak, and najis as well as Pak water reaches them all, they will all be Pak together.

176. Meat or fat which becomes najis, can be made Pak with water like all other things. Same is the case if the body or dress has a little grease on it, which does not prevent water from reaching it.

177. If a utensil or one's body is najis, but also so greasy that water cannot reach it, one should first remove the grease, so that water may reach one's body, or the utensil before making it Pak.

178. Tap water which is connected with Kurr-water is considered to be Kurr.

179. If a person washes a thing with water, and becomes sure that it has become Pak, but doubts later whether or not he had removed the Najisul Ayn from it, he should wash it again, and ensure that the Najisul Ayn has been removed.

180. If the ground which absorbs water (e.g. land on the surface of which there is fine sand) becomes najis, it can be made Pak with under-Kurr water.

181. If the floor which is made of stones, or bricks or other hard ground, in which water is not absorbed, becomes najis, it can be made Pak with under-Kurr water, but, it is necessary that so much water is poured on it that it begins to flow. And if that water is not drained out, and it collects there, it should be drawn out by a vessel or soaked by a cloth.


182. If the exterior of salt-stone or something resembling it, becomes najis, it can be made Pak with under-Kurr water.

183. If najis sugar, or syrup is turned into solid cubes, or granules, it will not become Pak if it is immersed in Kurr or running water.


Islamic Laws for Grand Ayatollah Sistani