VII. Islam

14:02 - 2016/01/03

212. If an unbeliever testifies Oneness of Allah, and the Prophethood of Prophet Muhammad, in whatever language, he becomes a Muslim. And just as he was najis before, he becomes Pak after becoming a Muslim, and his body, along with the saliva and the sw eat, is Pak. But if he has any Najisul Ayn in his body, it should be removed, and then washed. In fact, that part should be washed even if the najisul ayn had been removed earlier, as per obligatory precaution.

213. If before an unbeliever becomes a Muslim, his wet dress touched his body, as an obligatory precaution, it should be avoided, regardless of whether it is on his body or not.

214. If an unbeliever professes Islam, he will be Pak even if another person is not sure whether he has embraced Islam sincerely, or not. And the same order applies even if it is known that he has not sincerely accepted Islam, but his words or deeds do not betray anything which may be contrary to the confirmation by him of the Oneness of Allah, and of Prophet Muhammad being Prophet of Allah.

Islamic Laws for Grand Ayatollah Sistani