
Three hypotheses of the Prophet's successor

Three hypotheses of the Prophet's successor
12:22 - 2022/07/16

-The prophet left his successor but the follower didnot agree with him.

The meaning of Maula

the meaning of Maula
14:38 - 2022/07/09

-"Maula" means supervisor, leader and guardian

The meaning of “Maula” and its reference to the caliphate and guardian of Amirul Momineen (AS) are controversial issues in Shia history. Those who deny the immediate caliphate of that Imam Ali (AS), or the incident of Ghadeer, or do not accept the Hadith of Ghadeer, furthermore, they say the meaning of Maula is "friend". And even if they cannot deny the meaning of Maula as a guardian, they claim that the people of authority in Islamic legal matters in "Saqifa" saw the expediency of having someone else become the successor as the caliph of the Prophet except Ali (AS).

What are the most important deeds and prayers for the Day of Ghadir? (part2)

What are the most important deeds and prayers for the Day of Ghadir?  (part2)
10:24 - 2022/07/04

Ghadir Eid is one of the most important Eids of Muslims in which the "Balagh" (delivering) verse was descended to the Holy Prophet and Islam religion was perfected. On this day, the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) introduced Imam Ali (P.B.U.H.) as his successor. Based on the narrations from the infallible ones (P.B.U.them), there are some recommended deeds and prayers for the Day of Ghadir.

Is Ghadir known by Sunnis (part one)

Is Ghadir known by Sunnis (part one)
13:59 - 2022/07/02

The main issue why I wrote this article is to explain and to tell Muslims eid Ghadir is not new but exists in Sunni books, not only Shia

“Iblagh” (“delivering”) verse undoubtedly has been descended in Ghadir.

“Iblagh” (“delivering”) verse undoubtedly has been descended in Ghadir.
00:43 - 2022/06/30

One of the controversial discussions between Shia and Sunni commentators is the discussion about the cause of the revelation (Sha’n-e-Nozoul) of the verse 67 of chapter Ma’idah. Shias unanimously believe that this verse has been descended on the Day of Ghadir Khum and in Imam Ali’s honor, and the purpose of it is to express the Imamate and succession of Imam Ali (P.B.U.H.). By studying the sources of Sunnis, we realize that in various books of Sunnis, many narrations are found saying outspokenly: This verse has been descended about Imam Ali (P.B.U.H.).

What do we learn from Eid Ghadir part two?

What do we learn from Eid Ghadir part two?
12:10 - 2022/06/29

-This article is about the questions we learn from Eid Ghadir and its values to the muslim Community.

Why we as Shiites’ Muslim committed to celebrate annually Eid Al-Ghadir?

Why we as Shiites’ Muslim committed to celebrate annually Eid Al-Ghadir?
13:45 - 2022/06/28

this article continues to explain the things from Eid Ghadir, because of its importance in the religion of Islam, and since its the core of the message of the Holy Prophet.

What do we learn from Eid Al-Ghadir Khum (PART ONE)

What do we learn from Eid Al-Ghadir Khum PARTONE
12:12 - 2022/06/28

-This article explains the things we learn from Eid Ghadir and its importance to the Muslim community.

Ghadir, the most important Islamic Eid

Ghadir, the most important Islamic Eid
18:26 - 2022/06/22

Ghadir is one of the greatest and most important Islamic Eids. On this day, the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) appointed Imam Ali (P.B.U.H.) as his successor. Some believe that Ghadir is the Eid of only Shias (not of other Muslims), while this point of view is totally incorrect, due to many historical and narrative reasons and documents. For instance, the first person who introduced this day as an Eid was the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.). Additionally, there are some narrations from the infallible Imams (P.B.U.them.) which prove that Ghadir is the most important Eid for all Muslims. Furthermore, some Sunni scholars have admitted that Ghadir is an Eid for all Muslims.