Respect for beliefs

20:22 - 2016/10/31

Not respecting some beliefs does not mean that the hurt and beliefs, which are against human dignity, should be opposed.

worship cow

Is it correct to say that every one's belief is respectable?


First: no wise person accepts that any kind of beliefs are respectable, rather, certainly we must prevent from some beliefs. For example it's famous in Jewish people that they have to drink blood of child in a special ceremony.  Is it possible to have a bit of rationality and do not oppose such opinions?! Surely there are lots of beliefs that are against human dignity, so they should be opposed in order to protect human values.

Second: nobody practice according to this slogan. From westerns that impose their ideas on others by widespread killings and war, to Indian cow worshipers that kill you if they realize you've eaten the beef.

Third: not respecting other beliefs is not considered as the hurt or the war.

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