Imam Ali (A) & revival of the Sunnah

14:24 - 2016/11/21

Imam Ali (A) wanted to revive the Sunnah but people didn't give him the opportunity!

ya Ali

Did Imam Ali (A) have the opportunity to correct the mistakes had been made during the previous caliphs?

Paying attention to this case will make the answer clear:
When the commander of faithful Ali b. Abi Talib (A) came to "Kufa", ordered his son "Hassan" (A) to announce among the people that do not say taraweeh prayers in congregation at mosque in the month of Ramadan. So he announced what Imam Ali (A) had ordered. When people received Imam Hassan's (A) word, they start shouting "oh Umar, oh Umar" [because taraweeh prayer was one of the Innovations of Umar], the commander of faithful (A) asked Imam Hassan (A) about the sound, and he Answered: "oh the commander of faithful (A), this is people who are shouting oh Umar oh Umar"; the commander of faithful (A) said tell them say the prayer!!! [1] [because you like Umar more than Sunnah of the holy Prophet]

[1] Wasaeel al-shia, v.8, p.46.

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