
Burial Place of Lady Fatima (as)

 Burial place of Lady Fatima
08:52 - 2021/12/15

Lady Zahra (as) herself made a will demanding her grave to remain hidden in order to show her disapproval and objection to those who usurped caliphate after her father.  

Ambiguity Regarding the Exact Martyrdom Date of Lady Fatima (as)

Ambiguity in  the Exact Martyrdom Date of Lady Fatima
12:10 - 2021/12/14

Regarding the ambiguity in the martyrdom date of Lady Fatima, Islamic scholars have mentioned different causes. Some maintain that the ambiguity originates from a misunderstanding caused by the way scribes registered the martyrdom date of Fatima. 

Imam Ali (A) & revival of the Sunnah

ya Ali
14:24 - 2016/11/21

Imam Ali (A) wanted to revive the Sunnah but people didn't give him the opportunity!

Imam Ali’s governance method

14:21 - 2016/11/21

Imam Ali (A) has described the events after the Prophet (pbuh) as following of Pharaoh’s method.