How can we escape from satanic temptation?

11:17 - 2016/12/04

Satan cannot harm the human, when he does not have any foothold in human's heart actually when we don't leave the remembrance of Allah.


How can we escape from satanic temptation? and how should we eliminate it from our life?

Satanic temptation is something that whether you want or not is existent. And we cannot completely eliminate it. Imam Sadiq (A) said: "there is no heart except that it has two ears, which there is an angel guide at one, and seditious Satan at the other, the one orders human and the other avoids him." [1]
Even though Satan cannot mislead the infallibles but he does not leave them and tries to whisper. Also Imam Sadiq (A) said: "Satan came to Moses b. Imran while saying prayer, an angle said to Satan: "what do you want him? He is praying to God."
Satan answered: "I hope what I hoped his father!" [2]
Satan is an external enemy, who cannot harm the human, when he does not have any foothold in human's heart. And leaving the remembrance of Allah is the foothold that changes the whisperer Satan to a continual companion: "And whoever turns himself away from the remembrance of the Beneficent Allah, We appoint for him a Shaitan, so he becomes his associate." [3]


[1] Kafi, v.3, p.663: "مَا مِنْ‏ قَلْبٍ‏ إِلَّا وَ لَهُ أُذُنَانِ، عَلى‏ إِحْدَاهُمَا مَلَكٌ مُرْشِدٌ، وَ عَلَى الْأُخْرى‏ شَيْطَانٌ مُفْتِنٌ، هذَا يَأْمُرُهُ، وَ هذَا يَزْجُرُه‏"
[2] Amali Saduq, p.666:
"جاء إبليس إلى موسى عليه السلام و هو يناجي ربّه، فقال له ملك من الملائكة: ما ترجو مِنْهُ وَ هُوَ فِي‏ هذه الحال يناجي ربّه؟ قال: أرجو منه ما رجوت من أبيه آدم"
[3] Surah AZ-ZUKHRUF, verse 36: "وَ مَنْ یَعْشُ عَنْ ذِکْرِ الرَّحْمنِ نُقَیِّضْ لَهُ شَیْطاناً فَهُوَ لَهُ قَرِینٌ"

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