
The Downward Spiral of Committing Sins

The Downward Spiral of Committing Sins
10:52 - 2021/12/28

Committing a sin at first may not be easy, but if one soccumbs to his desires and Satan's temptations, he may reach a point at which he commits sins without the least remorse.

Two Important Lessons About Salat From Imam Hassan's Lifestyle

Two Important Teaching About Salat From Imam Hassan's Lifestyle
12:20 - 2021/12/16

In this article, we are going to review two important lessons from the lifestyle of Imam Hasan (as) regarding Salat.

The Negative Effects of Envy

The Negative Effects of  Envy
13:12 - 2021/12/11

-Envy is a dangerous illness of human heart. A great number of grave sins are rooted in envy which means that if one does not treat his envy, the other sins such as hypocrisy, backbiting would take over his heart easily

The importance of Salat in lady Zeinab lifestyle

The importance of Salat in lady Zeinab lifestyle
14:01 - 2021/12/08

-Lady zeinab is well-known for her resistance and fight aginat Yazid the opprossor of her time. breflily, we are going to review her life style regarding Salat. 

Praying for Others

13:12 - 2021/10/12

Imam Hassan (as) was listening to her mother praying at night. All night, the daughter of the Prophet (pbuh&hf), prayed for other Muslims not for herself.

Do Not Be Excessively Suspicious

Do Not Be Excessively Suspicious
11:05 - 2021/09/14

Suspicion leads to distrust and makes relationships volatile. As a result people would be deprived of each other's good and pleasant company and this would weaken social ties.

International Youth Day

Education, refinement and sport
18:19 - 2017/07/31

The youth are the most talented ones in society to accept the truth and deeply believe in it. They are worth enough to spend the time for training them.

World Humanitarian Day

World Humanitarian Day
18:32 - 2017/07/05

The main message of Islam is to worship and fear God, without making any differences between the different groups of people, and Islam also introduces the Prophet (P) and his household as examples of peace and mercy to all mankind; for that reason, Islam is a humanitarian religion.


10:04 - 2017/02/13

Allame Hasanzade Amuli:

thirst & water

thirsty bird
23:55 - 2017/02/07

Allame Hasanzade Amuli:

Tahajjud prayer

night prayer
23:39 - 2017/02/07

Allame Hasanzade Amuli:

Broken Heart

21:17 - 2017/02/04

Allame Hasanzade Amuli:
