An Outrageous and False Accusation

19:03 - 2017/08/20

It is a brief rejection of the unjust and groundless accusation made against the Prophet Muhammad that he killed hundreds of the Jews lived in Yathrib especially the people of Banu Qurayza.

An Outrageous and False Accusation

One of the unjust and groundless accusation made against the Prophet Muhammad is that he killed hundreds of the Jews lived in Yathrib especially the people of Banu Qurayza. But a comprehensive study and survey shows that it is a later invention which is not found in the earlier authentic sources. Ibn Ishaq, died in 151 (A.H), 145 years after the battle of Banu Qurayza, reported the event while Ibn Hajar and Mailik denounce this story. Ibn Ishaq did not provide us with an authentic and a trustworthy chain of authorities, but despite this fact the later historians narrate the event referring to Ibn Ishaq's Sira.
Murdering hundreds of people, if they are innocents, is categorically opposed to the Islamic and Quranic teachings according to which only those who are responsible must be punished. As the Holy Quran says "No soul shall bear another's burden."  It is also against the Qur'anic rule regarding prisoners of war, which is: either they are to be granted their freedom or else they are to be allowed to be ransomed.

For further explanations in this regard see the following link:


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