A glance at the event of Miraj, the Ascension of the Prophet (P)

11:34 - 2015/12/27

It is a glance at one of the most significant events of the Prophet Mohammad (P)'s life, which is called Miraj (ascension), as a privileged blessing of gad bestowed upon the prophet of Islam.   

A glance at the event of Miraj, the Ascension of the Prophet (P)

One of the unique privileges of the Prophet Mohammad (P) and the most significant events in the Islamic calendar is the event of Miraj, a night physical and spiritual journey, which the holy Prophet took during a single night around the year 621(AD). [1] Muslim interpreters of the Quran explained the story of the Ascension in the chapter Al-Isra of the Holy Quran referring to the teachings, deeds and sayings of the Prophet (P). [2]

According to the exegeses, the Prophet (P) traveled on the steed Buraq to "Al-Aqsa Mosque" where he led other prophets in prayer. The journey began from the Holy Masjid in Mecca, then the prophet (P) moved overland to Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem and finally continued up through the seven heavens into the presence of God, the Almighty. He then ascended to heaven in the Mi'raj journey where he spoke to God, who gave Muhammad (P) instructions to take back to the faithful regarding the details of prayer. [3]

Since no other prophet has ever had such a journey this is the privileged bounty of Allah (J) bestowed upon the prophet Mohammad (P).  It is also one of the great miracles of the prophet (P) demonstrating God’s ability to bring the seemingly impossible into being.  It seems that the event of Miraj which as a sort of miracle is beyond our understanding because here, the concepts of time and space, as we know them, do not apply; so, it is beyond our human capabilities to understand the true omnipotence of God.

Finally it must be mentioned that this event shows the prophet's privileged superiority to other prophets as well, because according to the prophet (P) he travelled with the Angel Gabriel up to the heights of the heavens.  Together they came to the gate of the first heaven, where Angel Gabriel sought permission to enter.  The prophet (P) was welcomed, called his arrival a pleasure, and the gate was opened to them. But Gabriel could not accompany the prophet (P) through all the gates and the seven levels and heavens which proves the superiority of the prophet to the angles specially the Gabriel. [4]

Conclusively, the ascension of the prophet was a privileged blessing bestowed upon him and also it was the important miracle of the prophet of Islam which no one can doubt.   

[1] See: Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World. Macmillan Reference USA. p. 482.
[2] See: Muhammad Husayn Tabataba'i, Tafsir Al-Mizan Vol. 13.
[3] ibid.
[4] ibid.    

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