Islamic lifestyle

20:11 - 2017/02/06

 sexual intercourse in the presence of a ...

What is the Islamic law on breastfeeding in the state of janabat (ritual impurity) and sexual intercourse in the presence of a breastfeeding child?

If a couple has a breastfeeding baby and they have sexual intercourse: 1 – What is the Islamic law about breastfeeding their child whilst the woman is in the state of ritual impurity (janabat)? 2 – If the child is in the same room in which the couple is having sexual intercourse, what would the Shari\'ah point of view? (The child might be asleep or awake.)

Ritual purity (wduhu and ghusl) are very effective on the child's upbringing and education and it is better or the mother not to breastfeed her child whilst she is in the state of ritual impurity (janabat). Also, there is no problem in having sexual intercourse with one's spouse in a room in which there is a child, if the child is not discerning (mumayyiz) between good and bad. However, if the child is awake, having sexual intercourse close to it is abominable and disapproved (makrooh).
It has been narrated that: "If a woman and a man have sexual intercourse near a wakeful child, this will lead the child to become an adulterer in future."
It is therefore very appropriate for parents not to have sexual intercourse even in the presence of their breastfeeding children.


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