Is it Obligatory to Learn Religious Rules?

13:37 - 2017/11/29

It is obligatory for a Muslim to learn the religious rules.

Is it Obligatory to Learn Religious Rules?

Question: Will one be considered a sinner if he is careless in learning the religious rules that he frequently encounters?

Amswer: It is obligatory for a follower to learn the Masae'l which are of daily importance.[1] If his carelessness in learning religious rules leads to forsaking an obligation or committing a ḥarām action, he will be a sinner.[2]

1. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Sistani , Islamic Laws Following a mujtahid (Taqlid)11.. 
2. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Practical Laws of Islam, Rules of Taqlīd,  Caution, Ijtihād, and Taqlīd, Q3.

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