
Acting with Caution or Following a Marji‘

Acting with Caution or Following a Marji‘
11:38 - 2017/12/10

knowledge of  a man determins to act with caution or to follow a marji‘ but it is preferable to follow a qualified mujtahid.

To Follow a Qualified Mujtahid of Other Countries

Following a Qualified Mujtahid of Other Countries
11:20 - 2017/12/05
Following a Qualified Mujtahid of Other Countries

Following a Qualified Mujtahid of Other Countries
10:44 - 2017/12/03

There is no objection to Follow a qualified mujtahid  of other countries even if he cannot be possibly reached.

Whom Do We have to Follow Mujtahid or Marji?

Whom do we have to Follow Mujtahid or Marji?
14:29 - 2017/11/29

There are three ways of identifying a qualified mujtahid but knowing only that somone is a marji‘ or hav a book on practical laws of Islam is not the proper conditions for taqlīd of a qualified mujtahid.

Is it Obligatory to Learn Religious Rules?

Is it Obligatory to Learn Religious Rules?
13:37 - 2017/11/29

It is obligatory for a Muslim to learn the religious rules.

Performing Acts without Taqlid

 Following a Mujtahid
09:45 - 2017/10/31

What is the rule If a person performs his acts for some time without taqlid of a Mujtahid?

What is Meant by Being ‘Just’?

 ‘Just’ Mujtahid
13:06 - 2017/01/02

 A ‘just’ mujtahid is a person that he performs all those acts which are obligatory upon him, and refrains from all those things which are forbidden to him.

Taqlid in the Qur'an and Ahadith

Taqlid in the Qur'an and Ahadith
09:16 - 2015/12/23

According to the Islamic rulings, a person who is not capable of inferring and deducing  Islamic laws from religious sources, should do Taqlid which means acting according to the verdicts (Fatwa) of the Mujtahid.

Doubt in Mujtahid's verdict

12:55 - 2015/08/20

Taqlid lasw according to Fatwas of Ayatollah Khamenei and Ayatollah Sistani

Taqlid Laws

12:35 - 2015/08/20

Taqlid lasw according to Fatwas of Ayatollah Khamenei and Ayatollah Sistani