islamic rules

Donating Blood to Non-Muslims

Donating Blood to Non-Muslims
14:48 - 2017/12/03

There is no objection to donate Blood to the People of the book.

Working in Factories of a Non-Muslim Country

Working in Factories of a Non-Muslim Country
13:49 - 2017/12/03

There is no objection to work in factories belong to the non-Muslim countries; unless the countries are at war with the Muslims.

Is Learning the Religious Rules Obligatory?

11:25 - 2017/12/03
Are The People of the Book pure or Not?

The People of the Book are pure
10:29 - 2017/12/03
Bahā’īs are Najis

Bahā’īs are Najis
15:36 - 2017/11/29
Whom Do We have to Follow Mujtahid or Marji?

Whom do we have to Follow Mujtahid or Marji?
14:29 - 2017/11/29

There are three ways of identifying a qualified mujtahid but knowing only that somone is a marji‘ or hav a book on practical laws of Islam is not the proper conditions for taqlīd of a qualified mujtahid.

Is it Obligatory to Learn Religious Rules?

Is it Obligatory to Learn Religious Rules?
13:37 - 2017/11/29

It is obligatory for a Muslim to learn the religious rules.

Is it Permissible to Kill Insects?

 Is it Permissible to Kill Insects?
15:08 - 2017/10/31

We are allowed to kill insects if they are harmful or cause damage.

Hijab Protects Women from being Abused

Hijab Protects Women from being Abused
18:54 - 2017/08/06

The Qur'an commands Muslim women to observe Hijab for it protects them from being sexually abused in the public. Also, there are some traditions which limit the relation of strange men and women in the public; because the free relation, as it is prevalent in the Modern countries, will pave the ground for sexual assault.

The Philosophy of the Waiting Period

The merits of the Waiting Period
11:19 - 2017/06/10

Nobody knows the real reason of granting injunctions on women concerning the waiting period except Allah (SWT) as He is the wisest lawmaker. All we can do is to understand and clarify some of their merits and philosophies.

The Rationale of the Islamic Ruling on Woman's Inheritance

What is the rationale of the Islamic ruling on woman's inheritance?
13:12 - 2017/01/23

Since, woman has no financial obligation and many economical responsibilities lay on the shoulders of the man; the rationale behind the Islamic ruling on inheritance is to implement a sort of balance between the rights and responsibilities of each group.