Imam Husain (a.s) at a glance

23:59 - 2020/08/19


The following are some important facts about Imam Husain (a.s):

  1. Imam Husain was the second child of Hazrat Ali (a.s), the first Imam of Shia Muslims, and Sayyidah Fatima Zahra (a.s), the beloved daughter and the only surviving child of the noble Prophet of Islam (PBUH).
  2. The outward appearance of Hazrat Husain (a.s) was identical to that of the noble Prophet of Islam (PBUH). He was indeed a carbon-copy and a moving picture of his grandfather.
  3. Imam Husain (a.s) is among the pure household (Ahl al-Bayt) whom Allah has purified and cleansed from all kinds of filth and impurity. (Refer to: Qur’an 33, verse 33).
  4. He (a.s) is among those closest to the Prophet (PBUH) whose love and unconditional obedience are made mandatory on all Muslims (Refer to Qur’an 42, verse 23).
  5. He (a.s) is among the purified Household (Ahl-al-Bayt) on whom the believers were commanded to send benediction and salutation (Refer to Qur’an 33, verse 56).
  6. Imam Husain (a.s) and his brother Imam Hasan (as) represented “OUR SONS” in a challenge against the NAJRANI CHRISTIANS in the tenth year of  Hijra (Refer to Qur’an 3, verse 61)
  7. He (a.s) was among those promised with Paradise for their unique sacrifice on the path of Allah (Refer to Qur’an 76, verses 8 to 12).
  8. Imam Husain was loved and highly respected by the Holy Prophet to such an extent that the Prophet guaranteed Allah’s love for the lovers of Imam Husain (a.s).
  9. He (a.s) was among the twelve infallible vicegerents and successors appointed by Allah through His noble Prophet (a.s).
  10.  He (a.s) was martyred on the 10th of Muharram, year 61 A.H at Karbala by the tyrant Ummayad ruler; Yazid son of Mu’awiya, who wanted to force Imam Hussain to pay allegiance to him.
  11. He (a.s) was martyred along with 72 other members of his family and faithful companions. He (a.s) was killed and his head was put on a spearhead and carried along with the remaining women and children all the way from Kufah to Damascus.
  12. The aim of the uprising of Hazrat Husain (a.s) was to enjoin goodness and forbid evil and to revive the pristine practice (Sunnah) of the noble Prophet of Islam.
  13. The lovers of the Prophet and his pure household (Ahl al-Bayt) commemorate the Day of Ashura, i.e. 10th of Muharram annually as a day of mourning while the killers of Imam Husain (a.s) celebrated this day as a day of joy and festivity. Unfortunately, majority of Muslims have been celebrating this day unknowingly.
  14.  Imam Husain (a.s) was martyred at the age of 57 and his holy shrine is in Karbala which today is one of the popular pilgrimage centres in the Muslim world.

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