How to Maintain Patience When Facing Adversities?

10:31 - 2021/06/27
Patience in the face of adversities

According to Islamic teachings, the position of patience with regard to one's faith is that of the head to the body. Therefore, one who lacks patience is in the danger of losing his faith, which shows how crucial it is for us to adopt this quality and never lose patience. 

These are some ways through which one can learn how to be patient in different stages of life including those of adversities and misfortunes:

1. Strengthening One's Faith: The more one strengthens his faith in Allah and His infinite wisdom and mercy, the more one will be able to endure unpleasant experiences. Imam Ali (as) says,

The origin of patience is having strong conviction in Allah.1

2. Remembrance of Allah: In the light of Allah's remembrance and prayer, one can acquire a strong will and an unshakable faith and as a result, misfortunes will become easy to bear. The Quran says,

And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive [to Allah].2

3. The Reward of the Hereafter: Thinking about the fact that we are under the watchful eyes of Allah and that none of what we suffer in this world goes wasted not only makes it easy to bear difficulties rather it might make it delightful, like one who works very hard but knowing that he will be paid after he is finished and will be able to provide for his family makes it enjoyable for him to work. Allah says in the Quran,

Allah is with you and will never deprive you of [the reward of] your deeds.3

Imam Ali (as) said,

The reward of the Hereafter causes one to forget the toil of this world.4

4. The Wisdom Behind Adversities: One who learns how much difficulties can change his life for the best will have no issue embracing them. All we need to do is to put our trust in Allah and know for a fact that He does not take pleasure in our sufferings, and if He tests us with a difficult situation, there must be a reason behind it of which we may become aware one day.  Imam al-Sadiq (as) says,

When Allah decrees a fate for a believer and he is pleased with it, Allah will place good in what He decreed.5

The Prophet (as) says,

In every decree of Allah's, Mighty and Exalted, there is good for the believer.6

5. You are not alone: You should bear in mind that you are not the only one having troubles and that no matter how hard your life can get sometimes, your state in life is a dream for many people.
In spiritual matters look at those who are at a higher level than you, for this would make you want to become a better person, and in financial issues, look at those who enjoy lower standards of life, for this would make you appreciate what you have and deal with the fact that you lack certain things in life.

6. The Reality of this world: Although we all know that this world is not a place for permanent settlement, we sometimes act as if it is. If we were to understand the reason why we have been brought to this world, that we have been created for the next world not for this world, that this world is no more than a passage that leads to the Hereafter and that our state in the Hereafter is determined by the way we lead our life in this world, we would never extend our eyes towards what others have been given of the enjoyments of this world and this way the bitterness of hardships would fade away.  Imam Ali (as) says,

O people, verily the world is a passage while the Hereafter is a permanent abode, so take [as much as you can] from the passage for the permanent abode.7

The Prophet (s) says,

The world is the plantation for the Hereafter.8

7. Everything comes with a price: If you really are willing to gain something, you have to be willing to pay the price. On the other hand, the more sublime the things you want to achieve are, the more challenges you have to meet on the way. Therefore, you have to equip yourself with the armor of patience and perseverance and remember that with patience great things will be accomplished and without it you will never achieve victory. 

1. Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 3084.
2. The Holy Qur'an, [2:45].
3. The Holy Qur'an, [47:35].
4. Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 4692.
5. Al-Tamhis, p. 59, no. 123.
6. 'Uyun Akhbar al-Rida (AS), vol. 1, p. 141, no. 42.
7. Nahj al-Balagha, Sermon 203.
8. Awali al-La'ali, vol. 1, p. 267, no. 66.

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