The Most Crowded Travel Destination

13:15 - 2021/09/26

Islam encourages travelling but advises as well that one should take lessons from his travelling.

The Most Crowded Travel Destination

September 27 marks the World Tourism Day. Everyone needs once in a while to go travelling to refresh his spirit and keep away from the hectic life for some time. Aside from soul-refreshing benefits, travelling can have another role as well and that is reminding one of God and that life is not aimless. Unfortunately, many places known as tourist resorts are not places of remembrance of God. Many people who go to these places their purpose is just to have fun. As a result, many such places are just places of entertainment and having fun or, God forbid, sinning.

The holy Quran does encourage travelling but, as in many other places, encourages people to take lessons from their travels,

There have been examples that have passed away before you: Travel through the earth, and see what was the end of those who rejected Truth. (3:137)

Since long in history there have been rulers with immense power from whom only some ruins remain today. Take for example the great Pyramids in Egypt, the Great Wall of China, Machu Picchu in Peru, Coliseum in Italy, Persepolis in Iran and so on and so forth. Having one day everything at their disposal, today those who built these monuments have nothing but their deeds for which they have to be answerable.

On the other hand, there have been figures in history who will never be forgotten; rather, the passing of time makes them even more loved and recognized. The greates such example is Imam Hussain (as). Today, Imam Hussain (as) is loved by millions of people around the world. Every year, millions of people gather in Karbala on Arbaeen, 20th Safar according to the Islamic calendar, to commemorate the fortieth day after his martyrdom. Many of them walk more than 150 kilometers from Najaf to Karbala, some even more coming from other cities, to show their love for Imam Hussain (as).

This is also travelling, but a travelling that creates a strong bond between man and God. Karbala is a place where one is reminded of the great sacrifice and virtues of Imam Hussain (as) and those of his companions. It is a place where one is detached from worldly shackles and remembers the fate of those who attained eternal felicity by being pious and devoted Muslims and those who incurred the wrath of God and deprived themselves of His mercy by seeking the pleasures of this transient world.

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