#Imam Hussain

The Most Crowded Travel Destination

The Most Crowded Travel Destination
13:15 - 2021/09/26

Islam encourages travelling but advises as well that one should take lessons from his travelling.

Attributes of the Muslim Leader According to Imam Hussain (as)

The Muslim Leader According to Imam Hussain (as)
13:11 - 2021/09/16

The leader of the Muslim community is not but he who acts according to the Quran, exercises justice, accepts the truth, and devotes himself to [the cause of] Allah.

Imam Hussain’s Tragic Martyrdom, Clear Proof of Imamate Being a Divine Position

Imam Hussain’s Tragic Martyrdom, a Clear Proof That Leadership of the Muslim Community in a Divine Position
09:32 - 2021/09/05

From the advent of Islam and following the lead of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&hf) and the immaculate Imams (as) from his household, the Shias have always insisted that caliphate neither can be nor has been delegated to people themselves to appoint whom they wish to lead the Muslim community and, based on Islamic teachings, not anyone who assumes power is fit for this position. If such a person assumes power, his rule would be illegal and this is what sparked Imam Hussian's revolutionary uprising.

Lady Zainab (as), the Heroine of Karbala - Father Christopher Clohessy

Lady Zainab (as), the Heroine of Karbala - Father Christopher Clohessy
11:51 - 2021/08/29
The Role of Zainab (s) - Father Christopher Clohessy

The Role of Zainab (s) - Father Christopher Clohessy
11:45 - 2021/08/29
The Everlasting Sacrifice of Imam Hussain (as)

The Everlasting Sacrifice of Imam Hussain (as)
11:18 - 2021/08/24

Lady Zainab (as) to Imam Sajjad (as),

The heads of paganism and followers of deviation will make attempts to destroy this grave, but their attempts will make it even more prominent and more popular.

The Martyr of Karbala

The Martyr of Karbala
14:33 - 2021/08/15


Opposing the Unjust Rulers, an Integral Part of the Shi’i Doctrine

Opposing the Unjust Rulers, an Integral Part of the Shi’i Doctrine
11:47 - 2021/08/15

The conduct of the Ahl al-Bayt (as) and that they were all martyred shows that it is a part and parcel of the Islam faith to not be an ally of or submissive to the oppressors. It is because of such belief that in today world we see the contemporary tyrant regimes like the US and Israel are so much intent on bringing the Shiite government of Islamic Republic of Iran to its knees. They know that Iran will never become an ally with them in suppressing other Muslims in Palestine, Yemen and elsewhere in the world.

The Objectives of Imam Hussain’s Uprising (2)

The Objectives of Imam Hussain’s Uprising
13:59 - 2021/08/10

As said in the first part, Imam Hussain (as) did not come to Karbala just to fight and be martyred. There were certain reasons for the Imam's revolutionary uprising. In the previous part we reviewed some of these objectives. In the following, some other of these objectives will be reviewed.

The Objectives of Imam Hussain’s Uprising (1)

The Objectives of Imam Hussain’s Uprising
12:55 - 2021/08/10

Imam Hussain (as) did not come to Karbala just to fight and be martyred. There were certain reasons for the Imam's revolutionary uprising. In the following, some of these objectives will be reviewed.