Islamic Revolution, The Beginning of A New Era

21:14 - 2022/01/25

After suffeing decades of British-led economic and military humiliating exploitation, a new era emerged in Iran. Iranian took to the street and shouted their right of having an independent political system. Even though they could not make their voice heard via mainstream media, their voice shook the foundations of oppression in this century. 

Islamic Revolution, Advent of A New Era

After suffering decades of British-led economic and military humiliating exploitation, followed by the CIA and MI6 coup in 1953 to overthrow Mossadegh, the Iranian's prime minister, and replace him with Shah, the Iranian people ultimately stood against Britain and the United States. Iranians took to the streets, regained control of their natural resources and paved the way for resistance and anti-imperialist movements to this day.

On February 1, 1979, the founder of the Islamic Republic, after spending 15 years in exile, was welcomed by thousands excited people from all walks of life. Imam Khomeini, mostly known as the spiritual leader of the revolution, conducted a national referendum marking the beginning of a whole new era for Iran. Eventually, after being ruled for decades by a Western-backed puppet government - largely backed by the United States and Britain - the Iranians burst into the streets in millions, voting for a new constitution and creating the new Islamic Republic. They reclaimed their country through valiant struggling and devoting blood. 

The fact is that the Iranian revolution represented an important awakening movement and manifested the will of the people who fought and regained their sovereignty from the West. This victory has greatly upset Western governments and the multinational corporations that run them behind the scenes. Britain and the United States do not want other nations to be free and democratic. They want to control them both politically and economically. 

We know that nations like Iran, which are not only rich in natural resources but also rich in culture and history, are defending their identity. It's very embarrassing for the White House authorities who think they are superior to other nations. The Islamic Revolution of Iran was not just a breakthrough in the Iranian political atmosphere, it was also a brave movement to fight imperialism around the world. The idea of ​​standing up to the oppressors is something that is deeply rooted in Iranian culture. Iran has helped liberate Syria from various so-called jihadist groups, who were funded by Britain, the United States, Saudi Arabia and some other countries.

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