Fajr Decade, Unique Phenomenon in History

22:12 - 2022/01/27

Like many other manifestations of the Islamic revolution and Islamic government, the Fajr decade is also a unique phenomenon in our known history. This is not just a slogan but it is an undeniable reality that could be understood through studying and pondering over the history of different revolutions.

 Fajr Decade, Unique Phenomenon in History

Like many other manifestations of the Islamic revolution and Islamic government, the Fajr decade is also a unique phenomenon in our known history. This is not just a slogan but it is an undeniable reality that could be understood through studying and pondering over the history of different revolutions. Some revolutions and social reforms are forgotten and buried in history but significant known revolutions have had anniversaries. For example, the Russian revolution remained for ten years in the mindset of their society and affected them in many ways. The French revolution was also an effective incident in history; but we know for sure that there has been no trace of public contributions and enthusiasm to these anniversaries after their third or fourth anniversaries. The anniversary of these revolutions is celebrated ceremonially; several officials come and stand; possibly a parade of the armed forces and some spectators. After the victory of the Islamic revolution, the ones who celebrate and commemorate the events of the revolution have been the ordinary people. They annually have come to the streets and express their loyalty toward their revolution. This means that this revolution has taken roots in the heart and faith of the Iranian people.

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