Good and bad companion

08:53 - 2022/06/14

As much as you can, run away from a bad friend, a bad friend is worse than a bad snake"! This means try to stay away from a bad friend because a bad friend is worse and more  dangerous than a scary snake.

  Bad friends and Good friends try to stay away from bad one

Try to stay away from a bad friend; Because a bad friend is worse and more dangerous than a scary snake

There are a series of sentences in Persian called "proverbs". One of those proverbs says, "As much as you can run away from a bad friend, a bad friend is worse than a bad snake"! This sentence means to try to stay away from a bad friend because a bad friend is worse and more dangerous than a scary snake

 During our lifetime we make friends with people who hurt us badly, either in our studies and disciplines or to our social status. We must be very careful to stay away from these people

It has always been said to be alone! but do not befriend and associate with a bad person! The Holy Prophet of Islam states:

that good companionship is better than loneliness, and loneliness is better than companionship with a bad person. (Amali Sheikh Saduq, p. 536)


A bad friend is worse than a bad snake

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