Impact and effectiveness in Islamic education.

09:03 - 2022/06/22

From an Islamic education point of view, man is a creature affected by various factors, conditions and situations. He can also stand up to them or even influence them.

Impact and effectiveness in Islamic education.

Impact and effectiveness in Islamic education

From an Islamic education point of view, man is a creature affected by various factors, conditions, and situations. He can also stand up to them or even influence them. Human personality and social life are not prefabricated and are influenced by various biological, geographical, and social factors. A person with unique and hereditary conditions or who lives in a certain family or social environment subconsciously acts according to those conditions and situations. However, he is in control of his destiny and can change his behavior and oppose the factors that affect attitudes and behaviors and even affect them. And adorn the soul and heart with bad qualities. That is why the Holy Quran considers social change as the result of changing individuals.


With education according to the verses and hadiths, human influence occurs in different ways.

External factors relate to impacts on situations such as temporal-spatial and social conditions.

In such cases, different environmental factors affect a person's mood and thoughts and cause other changes. In addition, sometimes a person is affected by factors that are more related to himself and originate in his creation and physical and mental conditions, and even actions and behaviors. Therefore, both in external and internal factors, man is an autonomous being who can withstand and resist any situation and, above all, influence them favorably or unfavorably and, on occasion, even become a king and an ethnic person.

It should be noted that just as conditions and the environment can affect humans; On the other hand, a strong and motivated human being can change the conditions of the environment and even take control of his surroundings.

So it is always the human being who is the ultimate determinant in life and it is he who decides whether to accept the environmental conditions or to take action to change this situation. Impact and effectiveness in Islamic education are decisions made by human beings.

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