In the school of Hussein, peace be upon him (PARTONE)

12:17 - 2022/07/27

Imam Hussein is a school for Muslims and the entire world atlarge.

In the school of Hussein, peace be upon him (PARTONE)

In the school of Hussein, peace be upon him (PART ONE)


The first and most important thing that can be said about the attributes of Imam Hussain, peace be upon him, is that he was a true servant of God in the literal sense of the word.

In the school of Hussein, peace be upon him (PARTONE)

First of all, he was "Abdullah" (servant of God) and worship was evident in all aspects of his life, behavior, and speech. He didn't think about anything except God's pleasure and his peace and excitement were for God. For many years during the time of Muawiya, he maintained the religion of God with patience and tolerance, and when he saw God's pleasure in the uprising against Yazid, he did not hesitate to sacrifice his life and those dearest to him and said:

"Lord! What did he find who lost you? And what else has he lost who has found you?"

The nickname "Aba Abdallah" is because of the peak of his loving devotion, which he perfected by offering his blood. In the book "Characteristics of ImamHussein (A.S.)" it is stated: "Hussein is a symbol of worship! All the messengers of God and the infallible leaders worshiped their God sincerely and lovingly, but Hussain (A.S.) had special worship and worship." From the time when the light of his existence appeared in the soul of his mother Fatimah (PBUH) until those moments when his luminous head was placed above the spears, he was always and everywhere engaged in praising and thanking God and reciting the Book of God. It was heard from him."

Imam Hussein(A.S.) performed Hajj on foot 25 times and performed a thousand rak'ats of prayer every day and night. Hossein's (PBUH) love for praying and worshiping God was to such an extent that on the night of Ashura, when the enemy armies wanted to attack the tents of Hazrat Aba Abdullah Al-Husain (PBUH), the Imam asked for a respite for worshiping and serving God that night, and secretly and Need to be brought the night to morning. In the course of Karbala, the burden of hardships and problems became heavier on the Imam (A.S.) and the burning and melting of sorrows became more and more heartbreaking, the patience of the Imam and the satisfaction of the Prophet (PBUH) in front of the divine will be increased. He searched and offered:

 "O God, I am pleased with you."[1]




[1] Ashi'a min Hayat al-lmam al-Hassan bin Ali (a.s.)

2 Extracts from the address of Zainab in Damascus. It is reported in full in al- Ihtijaj (Protests with Citation of Evidence).

3 Al-Kamil fi al-Tarikh (The Complete Accounts of History), Ibn al Athir, p. 39.

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