The Goal of Ashura

15:38 - 2022/07/27


The goal of Ashura

The Goal of Ashura


Fighting oppression and achieving freedom

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "Hussein (PBUH) is the light of guidance and the ship of salvation". Truly following the practical and moral way of that Imam, without a doubt, guarantees the happiness of the individual and the society. It is stated in a valid hadith that, in addition to Shiites, Sunni scholars also narrate: One day, Imam Hussain (A.S.) was honored in the presence of his grandfather, the great prophet, during his childhood. Upon seeing him, the Prophet said: "Welcome, Husayn! O adornment of the heavens and the earth." "Ubay bin Ka'b", one of the companions of the Prophet (PBUH) and one of the writers of revelation who was sitting next to the Prophet, said: O Messenger of God! Is there anyone other than you who adorns the heavens and the earth? The Prophet said: "I swear to God, who sent me as a Prophet, Hussein's place in the heavens is higher than the earth![1] And there it is written:


 "Hussein is a beacon of guidance, and a ship of salvation, and an unshakable leader.



[1] 'Uyun Akhbar al-Rida, v. 1, p. 59, no. 29

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