Imam Hussein and Kufa

12:50 - 2022/08/01

-Kufa is a known place in history of in Islam and Imam Hussein (A.S)

Imam Hussein and Kufa

Imam Hussein and Kufa

Didn't Imam Hussain (A.S) know about the situation in Kufa after the martyrdom of Hazrat Muslim? If he was informed, why did he not return?

After the martyrdom of Muslim bin Aqeel,  Imam Hussain (A.S.) became aware of the situation in Kufa but did not return.

Imam Hussein and Kufa

  Its basic purpose was to ennoble the cause of good and forbid evil and rebellion against the tyrannical system, whose immorality was obvious and at the same time, it claimed to be the successor of the Messenger of God.

  Hazrat had moved to make the world understand that Yazid and his ilk do not deserve the caliphate.

 He rose up to reform the affairs of the Islamic society and eliminate heresies and revive the traditions. (1)

   The Imam considered it his duty to rise against the establishment, even if it leads to his martyrdom.

Imam (A.S) knew that until he, his companions, and his family, even his infant child, did not drink the syrup of martyrdom, Islam would not survive, and God and His Messenger, the religion, and its works would be destroyed.

  Imam had left for martyrdom. With this account, nothing could prevent the Holy Prophet from moving towards Karbala, not even the martyrdom of Mouslim and the disloyalty and breaking of the covenant of the people of Kufa.

   When the religion is captured, changed, and transformed and its customs are destroyed by the enemies, it is obligatory for the Muslims to stand up with the help of the religion and ward off the dangers from it, even if it leads to their death.

It is clear that the rule of a wicked man famous for corruption, bribery, and dog-playing like Yazid was the biggest danger to Islam.

     If time went on without objections and his rule was not objected to by anyone, its corruption would be irreparable and cause the erasure of the works of Islam. Been.

Relying on the authority of the Caliphate of the Prophet (PBUH) by such a magnate shook the public opinion and distorted the opinions.

     Maybe some people would be skeptical about the holy area of ​​the Prophet (PBUH) and the plans of Islam based on this principle and seeing the actions and movements of Yazid.

If a person like Imam Hussain (AS) had not protested against him and declared his caliphate invalid, this mistake would have gained strength in the hearts.

    This would cause most people in the society to be pushed toward Yazid's thoughts, beliefs, and actions.

Because the Lord of the Bayt takes the instrument, let them dance in the hands of the Bayt, and we in the Bayt

  Nevertheless, the Imam considered it his duty to do his duty and rise against the establishment, even though he knew that his rise would lead to the martyrdom of him, his companions, and his family.

His death in the way of God and the captivity of his family were desired and loved by God. Of course, the command to martyrdom was actually a command to stand and persevere. (2)

     Therefore, Imam Hussain's uprising and movement was a divine duty that he had to fulfill, even if it led to the martyrdom of himself, his youth, and his companions, in order to prevent the destruction of Islam.



1. Khwarazmi, Maktal al-Hussein, vol. 1, p. 273; Muqram, Maktal al-Hussein, p. 141.

2. Shahid Aghaz, Ayatollah Lotfollah Safi, pp. 34-37 with a summary.


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