Sign of Being a Shia

11:50 - 2022/08/09


Sign of Being a Shia

Sign of Being a Shia

A sign is the symbol of anything like namaz is the symbol for believers. So those who claim to be the lovers of the house of the prophet, they must have signs to show that they are Shias. To prove this the sixth the Imam says in the hadith where he explains the sign of their follower.

Al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) said:

Whoever wants to be in the neighborhood of the Prophet (pbuh&HP) and next to Ali (AS) and Fatima (A.S) should not leave the pilgrimage of Imam Hussain (AS).[1]  

In this hadith, the Imam tells us not to miss the pilgrimage to the grave of Imam Hussain (A.S) because it's a sign of shias and shows love to our Imam.

for those who don't visit the grave of Imam yet, they are able. Imam Sadiq (A.S) is not their shias below,

 Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) said:

Whoever does not visit the grave of Imam Hussain and dies as our Shiite and dies, is not our Shiite, and even if he is from the people of Paradise, he is the guest of the people of Paradise.[2]

                From this Hadith we learn vising the tomb of Imam Hussain takes to paradise since he is the gust people in Paradise.


[1] Wasa'il al-Shi'ah, vol. 10, p. 331, p. 39

من أراد أن يكون في جوار النبي (ص) وبجوار علي (ع) وفاطمة (ع) فلا يترك حج الإمام الحسين (ع) في هذا الحديث ، يخبرنا الإمام أنه لا ينبغي تفويت الحج إلى قبر الإمام الحسين (ع) لأنه علامة على الشيعة ويظهر المحبة لإمامنا.الذين لا يزورون قبر الإمام وهم قادرون. ليس الإمام سواد (ع) من الشيعة في الأسفل ،

[2] Source:Complete Book of Al-Ziyarat, p. 193, Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 98, p. 4 من لم يزور قبر الإمام الحسين ومات شيعتنا ومات فليس شيعةنا ، وحتى لو كان من أهل الجنة فهو ضيف أهل الجنة




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