The Islamic Republic of Iran is under attack from the oppressors

22:15 - 2022/10/29


The Islamic Republic of Iran is under attack from the oppressors

Mahsa Amini issue

The Islamic Republic of Iran is under attack from the oppressors

Undoubtedly, once again Iranphobia is more than Islamophobia these weeks after the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old young woman of Kurdish origin, who died on Friday 16th of September month after her death, and occupied the center of attention of the western media.

There is no doubt that this is once again an anti-Iranian campaign promoted as always by the empire, the Israeli regime, the British Crown, and other agents of global oppression who are trying to politicize and instrumentalize the issue of human rights.

The case of Mahsa Amini, which was still being investigated by the Iranian police, was used as an opportunity to accelerate the colonial goals of Western countries against Iran.

The same countries that destroy international laws with their crimes.

We are all witnessing the interference of colonial countries in the internal affairs of weak countries. colonialism countries not only in Palestine, but they interfere in the internal affairs of Yemen, Syria, Iraq, etc.
Isn't it time to ask ourselves who raised the flag of human rights defenders?

If you look carefully, Western countries are always looking for new scenarios to put maximum pressure on other countries, especially Muslim countries.

It is enough that a country opposes its interests, and you will see how they try to destroy that country with a media war.

They have always been very upset with the strength of Muslim countries, especially Iran. Not only in the case of Mahsa Amini, but during the 40 years of the Islamic Revolution, America creates a new story against Iran every time, and then when he sees that Iran is not defeated by these media lies, again tries to use new methods to isolate Iran.

The western media's propaganda and the protests of several extremist feminists outside of Iran clearly showed that the death of Mahsa Amini is an excuse, they are pursuing their goals, including Iranophobia and Islamophobia.


It must be said that as long as the people of Iran are supporters of Islamic jurisprudence, no colonialist country can defeat the people of Iran.

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