The Characteristics of Abdul Azim Al-Hasani

14:29 - 2022/10/31


The Characteristics of Abdul Azim Al-Hasani

The Characteristics of Abdul Azim Al-Hasani

There is a number of characteristics said about Abdul Azim Al-Hasani by different scholars and narrators of hadith. 

Al-Allama Al-Hilli  talked about characteristics in a saying:

He was a pious worshiper.[1]

Al-Muhaddith Al-Nouri quoted the message of Al-Sahib bin Abbad that he is pious and religious, a worshiper known for his honesty, truthful dialect, knowledgeable in matters of religion, saying of monotheism and justice, a lot of hadith and narration.[2]

He was a narrator of hadith and it is estimated that hundreds of traditions were quoted from him. As it is quoted by Al-Saheb bin Abbad confirmed this issue by saying:

He narrates on the authority of Abu Jaafar Muhammad bin Ali bin Musa (Al-Jawad), and on the authority of his son Abi Al-Hassan (Al-Hadi), the owner of the military (peace be upon him)He narrates on the authority of Abu Jaafar Muhammad bin Ali bin Musa (Al-Jawad), and on the authority of his son Abi Al-Hassan (Al-Hadi), the owner of the military (peace be upon him)

He has books, including the book, Sermons of the Commander of the Faithful[4] day and night book[5]

It appears that in the acts of the day and the night that are narrated on the authority of the pure Imams (peace be upon him), with special remembrances that it is desirable for the obligated to perform them throughout the day and night  [6]

another characteristic was a writer,   He has a famous book in the book Narratives of Abd al-Azim al-Hasani

Sheikh Abbas al-Qummi said in the translation of one of his sons:

Muhammad was a great man, famous for his asceticism and worship.[7]

He explained his lineage for the people to know his and follow his characteristic as the grandson of the support this we have a hadith saying:

His lineage ends with Imam Al-Hassan Al-Mujtaba (peace be upon him). Al-Najashi said: When he died and was stripped to be washed, he found in his pocket a patch on which he mentioned his lineage, so it was: I am Abu Al-Qasim Abdul-Azeem bin Abdullah bin Ali bin Al-Hasan bin Zaid bin Al-Hassan bin Ali bin Abi Talib (p)[8]


There is a group of books written about the personality and characteristics of Sayyid Abd al-Azim, may God be pleased with him:

The news of Abd al-Azim ibn Abdullah ibn Ali ibn al-Hasan ibn Zaid ibn al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him), authored by Sheikh al-Saduq, who called it “The Life of Abd al-Azim al-Hasani” 

Gardens of Bliss in the Conditions of Our Master Sharif Abdul Azim, Arabic, authored by Mullah Ismail Al-Kazazi Al-Araki, who died in 1236 AH.

The Great Ticket, Arabic, authored by Hajj Sheikh Muhammad Ibrahim Al-Kalbasi, who died in the year 1362 AH.

Abd al-Azim al-Hasani, his life and his chain of transmission, Aziz Allah Attardi al-Quqani, who died in Ramadan 1435 AH.

The Great Characteristics in the Conditions of Sayyid Abu al-Qasim Abd al-Azim bin Abdullah al-Hasani, peace be upon him, authored by Sheikh Jawad bin Sheikh Mahdi al-Larijani, who died in 1355 AH.

The Musnad of Hazrat Abdel Azim Hosni, Persian, written by Sheikh Azizullah Attardi Qochani, translated from his previous book.

A collection of articles (Persian and Arabic) for the conference of Sayyid Abd al-Azim al-Hasani, peace be upon him.

Abd al-Azim al-Hassani, the scholar, jurist and trusted modernizer, his biography and chain of narrators, Arabic, authored by Ahmad bin Husayn al-Obaidan, contemporary


[1] Allama Al-Hilli, Summarizing the Sayings, p. 226.                          ترجم له العلامة الحلي قائلا: «كان عابدا ورعا، له حكاية تدل على حسن حاله»، وقال محمد بن بابويه: إنّه كان مرضيا

[2]  By Muhaddith al-Nouri, his conclusion al-Mustadrak, vol. 4, pg. 404.         

ونقل المحدث النوري عن رسالة الصاحب بن عباد أنّه ذو ورع ودين، عابد معروف بالأمانة، وصدق اللهجة، عالم بأمور الدين، قائل بالتوحيد والعدل، كثير الحديث والرواية

[3]    Al-Atari, Musnad of Imam Al-Jawad, p. 302 يروي عن أبي جعفر محمد بن علي بن موسى (الجواد)، وعن ابنه أبي الحسن (الهادي) صاحب العسكر (ع) ولهما إليه الرسائل

[4]  Al-Najashi, Men of Al-Najashi, p. 247. وله كتب منها كتاب خطب أمير المؤمنين

[5]        Aqa Buzurg al-Tehrany, Al-Dhari'a, vol. 7, p. 190.

[6] Lawa’eth Al-Kagouri, Jannat Al-Naeem, Volume 5, pg. 182  يظهر أنه في أعمال اليوم والليلة المروية عن الأئمة الأطهار (ع) مع الأذكار الخاصة التي يستحب للمكلف الإتيان بها على مدار اليوم والليلة

[7]       Al-Qummi, Muntaha Al-Amal, Volume 1, pg. 585  وقال الشيخ عباس القمي في ترجمة أحد أبنائه: كان محمد رجلاً عظيماً ، اشتهر بالزهد والعبادة

[8]  Mirdamad, Celestial seepage, p. 86.             ينتهي نسبه إلى الإمام الحسن المجتبى (ع)، قال النجاشي: لمّا مات وجُرّد ليغسل، وُجد في جيبه رقعة فيها ذكر نسبه، فإذا فيها: أنا أبو القاسم عبد العظيم بن عبد الله بن علي بن الحسن بن زيد بن الحسن بن علي بن أبي طالب (ع).[٣]


وقال محمد باقر الداماد: يكفيه ما له من النسب الطاهر والشرف الباهر


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