I wish we were alive

13:47 - 2022/11/08


I wish we were alive

I wish we were alive

wish of being alive: You people should be appreciative of your life. As long as you are alive, you should do good deeds and collect rewards for yourself.

You should visit the sick, visit your relatives, you should help the poor and should pray and fast. If you people don't appreciate your life, you will be very sorrow after your death.

Those who die wish to return to the world and do good deeds. We angels know very well what the dead are like and how they feel.

Every day, one of us goes to the cemeteries and says loudly to the dead: Who do you yearn for? Who would you like to be in place of?

The dead answer: We liked that we were in the place of mosques; They pray and fast, but we can no longer do these things.

The dead answer: We would like to be in the place of those who pray in the mosque. They pray and fast, but we can no longer do these things.






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