
13:02 - 2022/11/23




Sympathy: When Afsaneh lost her father, she cried the most. He keeps hitting his head and face and said: "Daddy! Daddy!". He couldn't eat, he couldn't sleep and he couldn't talk to anyone. This mood of lady Afsaneh continued until the evening. But towards evening he got better. He ate food and slept a little. He was still sad, but he was not like in the morning. He was very relaxed.

This calm of lady Afsaneh was the work of our angels. When someone dies, God consoles the relatives of the deceased.  he sends one of us to the saddest relatives. That angel caresses his heart and comforts him. He who gains peace, the rest of his relatives also gain peace. If it is not for the caress of that angel, the mourners will not rest anytime soon.




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