What were the Factors Behind Hezbollah's Victory over Israel?

09:07 - 2022/11/27


What were the Factors Behind Hezbollah's Victory over Israel?

What were the Factors Behind Hezbollah's Victory over Israel?

   What were the Factors Behind Hezbollah's Victory over Israel?
   The occupying regime of Jerusalem, with the support of all arrogant people, especially global Zionism, has occupied the land of Jerusalem with cunning and cunning and has continued its illegal existence for several years with their comprehensive help. .....[1][1]

 But with the victory of the Islamic revolution led by Imam Khomeini in Iran and the awakening of the Muslims of the world, especially the awakening and movement of the Muslim youth of Lebanon and Palestine, the countdown to the defeat and destruction of this sham regime began. This auspicious movement has brought valuable victories to the oppressed Muslims of Lebanon and Palestine from the very beginning, the victory of Hezbollah in the thirty-three-day war was one of its fruits, and by the will of God Almighty, this movement will lead to the complete destruction of Israel and Israel, It continues.

The Lebanese Islamic Resistance (Hezbollah) was formed and developed as a secret military organization to confront the Zionist invaders who invaded the south of this country and occupied Beirut in 1982.

        Two years later, in early 1984, the resistance announced its independent operation, but before that, it carried out its activities within the framework of the Lebanese Resistance Front.

After the withdrawal of the Zionist army from most of the occupied areas in 1986, this front became the Islamic resistance and with its operations against the occupying forces and its mercenaries in southern Lebanon and Western places, it dealt the most crushing blows to the Zionist enemy


Islamic resistance has drawn four axes in the process of struggle:

1. Fighting the enemy and liberating the homeland

2. Struggle with the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime

3. Neutralizing the enemy's efforts to establish the foundations of the occupation and the usurping regime of Israel as a religious and legal reality in the heart of the region.

4. Creating an axis for a huge national, patriotic and Islamic consensus, including forces, leaders of different parties and religions, as well as political, cultural and intellectual beliefs and orientations.[3] 

Hezbollah has achieved great victories in a short period of time. These successes had several factors, some of which we mention here:

1. Appeal to God, the help of Imam Zaman and the prayers of Muslims:

Sheikh Hassan Baghdadi, deputy of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, says:

"Appeal to God, the help of Imam Zaman and the prayers of Muslims and Islamic scholars can be counted among the factors of the victory of Hezbollah in Lebanon."

2. Sincerity and faith of Hezbollah forces who defended Islamic values with their lives.

3. Vigilance and awakening of Hezbollah and relying on the flow of Islamic awakening.

Safiuddin, one of the leaders of Hezbollah, says in this regard: 

"After the liberation of South Lebanon in these 6 years, we did not neglect them for a single day and we have planned for such days."[4]

4. Independence of action

         Unlike other previous resistances, the Islamic resistance of Lebanon has not participated with any of the parties in operations against the occupiers since its inception, which of course is not because of ideological and ideological issues, but because of the concern of enemy penetration, considering It was the multiplicity of political and ideological tendencies and orientations because this multiplicity makes control and care very difficult; This was proven in the experience of the previous resistances, especially in Palestine, which suffered many blows and many of its personalities were assassinated.

5. Range of resistance rule:

       The Islamic resistance has been able to open cooperation with other non-Islamic forces who wanted to fight against the invaders without deviating from their specific organizational, security and military frameworks. Therefore, Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary General of the Lebanese Hezbollah movement, announced on November 3, 1997, the formation of Lebanese groups to resist the Israeli occupation as a comprehensive and inclusive organization for all people who wish to participate in armed resistance against the occupying forces in the south. They are Lebanese.

He said: This organization will remain separate from the Islamic resistance chart, which is ready to provide all-around support in all areas needed by the groups to implement military and security measures in the occupied areas of Lebanon.

        This showed that the Islamic resistance not only does not intend to monopolize the fight against the invaders but also realized the importance of expanding the scope of participation in the fight against the enemy in Lebanese society, where all kinds of political and religious groups and clans live together...

This understanding was the most important motivation for the formation of Lebanese groups that during the occupation, carried out dozens of operations against the Zionist occupiers and their mercenaries. It was considered a battle with the invaders

6. Using advanced combat methods:

       The Islamic resistance used the common methods of guerilla warfare, i.e. small groups to ambush enemy patrols and fortifications, and use bombs, mines, and ambushes on the roads of communication lines and places where these forces travel, but the real reason for success This method is basically providing an experience that is different from other security, advertising and political experiences in Lebanon, which can be expressed as follows:

A. The number and variety of tactics and operations:

In the course of its battles and operations, the Islamic resistance did not only use methods such as ambushes on the roads and foothills by shelling the bases of the Zionist enemy, but also carried out extensive operations against one or more bases at the same time and even In many cases, he succeeded in capturing these bases for hours or capturing their people.

B. Increasing information power:

One of the successes of the Islamic resistance is the increase in information power in the field of controlling the movements and transfers of the occupying soldiers and their mercenaries and inflicting huge losses and damages on them through ambushes or bomb and mine explosions inside and outside the occupied strip and common borders with It is the Zionist regime that created doubts and all kinds of questions in the military and security circles of the Zionist regime and formed investigative committees about the extent of Hezbollah's infiltration among the Israeli forces and their mercenaries.

This was especially aggravated after the disgraceful defeat of the commandos of the army occupying Quds in the village of Ansariyeh.

On September 4, 1997, the resistance forces ambushed a group of 15 special commandos of the occupying army in Ansarieh village. After some time, on June 25, 1998, the resistance exchanged the dismembered bodies of these soldiers with the bodies of 40 Lebanese martyrs, 30 of whom were martyrs of the Islamic resistance. This was the first time in the history of the Zionist regime that such a defeat was inflicted on Tel Aviv.

C. Psychological Warfare and War Information:

The resistance used all psychological and spiritual methods to influence the public and military opinions of the enemy and was able to train a number of its forces to film operations against the occupying forces and their mercenaries within the framework of war information.

In these images, live scenes of attacks on bases and raising the flag over fortifications and fortifications were recorded. For example, after the operation to enter the Beer Club base on February 27, 1998, Iriz Gorstein, the commander of the communication unit of the occupying army, claimed that the resistance forces did not enter the base, but the Islamic resistance, by broadcasting the video of the soldiers entering the base and raising the Hezbollah flag, Faraz proved the lie of these words.

On the other hand, the resistance used the Internet, Al-Manar TV channel, and Radio Noor to broadcast news of its operations and messages to the people of the world.

7. Confronting the enemy

      Since its inception in 1983, the resistance has refrained from any conflict with political and military organizations, groups and parties, as well as with the Lebanese government, and has devoted all its efforts to fighting the enemy and pacifying the internal front. For this reason and because of this strategy, Hezbollah not only refrained from clashing with the army after the martyrdom of several of its demonstrators due to the shooting of army forces during the party's peaceful march against the Oslo Accords, but also during the years.

The latter expanded his relations and cooperation with this force in an unprecedented way to the point where this cooperation led to the discovery of the enemy's espionage networks and the arrest and trial of its operatives in Lebanon.

8. destroying of mercenaries:

During the years of occupation, the resistance made an extensive effort to crush the institutions, organizations, and spirit of the mercenaries of Lohd, and since 1998, it has implemented very successful operations against the military commanders and security officials of Tel Aviv's ration-eating militias.

In addition to the sharp differences between the security and military institutions of the mercenaries and their actions in accusing each other of negligence and lack of responsibility, this led to the success of the Islamic resistance operations and the defeat of the militias known as the South Lebanese Army.


What were the Factors behind Hezbollah's Victory over Israel?


  The combination of these factors led to the increasing victories of the Islamic authority of the oppressed people of Lebanon, especially in the 33-day war in 2006, and the Zionist enemy was forced to stop fruitless attacks and think of recovering the bodies of its fallen soldiers.


[1] During the history of the formation of this usurping regime of the Arab countries, led by Syria and Egypt, officially four times in the years 1948, 1956, 1967 (the six-day war of 1967 from June 5 to June 10, 1967 between Israel and the Arabs (Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraq (which led to the defeat of the Arabs) and entered into war with Israel in 1973 and the Arabs were defeated except in one case where they had partial success. After that, for years, the criminals of this regime destroyed the houses of the oppressed and defenceless people of Palestine and Lebanon, forcibly usurped their lands and displaced their women and children.

[2]  www.moqavemat.com/old/?lang=fr&state...news.

[3] "Talal Atrisi", Lebanese analyst, (Kihan newspaper, Monday, June 9, 2008, June 9, 2008, June 9, 2008, June 9, 2008 - number 189103)-www.moqavemat.com/old/?lang=fr&state...news

[4] www.tiknews.net/display/?ID=25604




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