Obeying the Rules from Hazrat Zahra's Point of view

11:50 - 2022/12/11


Obeying the rules from Hazrat Zahra's point of view

Obeying the Rules from Hazrat Zahra's point of view

  Parents should take care of their child so that he does not exceed his limits of obeying the rights of others. The child must be orderly, and order in life must be taught to him. He should be educated in such a way that he is neither unable to get his rights nor violate the rights of others.

  This educational lesson was fully implemented in the house of Hazrat Zahra (peace be upon him). They were so careful about this that they respected law and order in the smallest cases.

For example, Imam Ali (peace be upon him) says:

One day the Holy Prophet was resting in our house, and Hassan asked for water. The Messenger of God got up, milked some milk and put it in a container and gave it to Hasan (A.S). Hussain got up from his place and wanted to take the bowl of milk from Hassan's hand, but the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) prevented him. Hazrat Zahra, peace be upon her, who was watching this scene, said: O Messenger of God! He replied: It is not like that, but the reason for my defence of Hassan is that he has the right of precedence and asked for water from Hussein earlier. The turn must be observed. [1]

Hazrat Zahra, peace be upon her, was the best mother, because the children she raised were either martyred in the way of God or went into captivity, the children of Hazrat Fatima dedicated their whole lives to God and His religion.

  She was the best mother because she cared about the food of her children's souls and not only about the food of the body. He kept the children awake on the night of Qadr and sometimes sent them to the mosque with their father, teaching them how to spend and take care of the poor.

Obeying the Rules from Hazrat Zahra's point of view


All parents should learn from Hazrat Fatimah (A.s)'s ways of upbringing and educating children in order to benefit from here and after.

Ruhail al-Fada Yazahra


[1] ]. Hosseini Marashi Testri, Qazi Nurullah, Ahqaq al-Haq



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