10 Reasons for the Islamic Revolution in the words of Ayatollah Khamenei

Create: 02/03/2024 - 22:47
دریافت ویدئو

10 reasons for the Islamic revolution in the word of Ayatollah Khamenei

1- Developing good morals
Developing good morals was one of the values. People wanted good morals and Islamic behavior to spread among them. 

2- Establishment of a popular political system
With this Islamic Revolution, we have achieved the goal of establishing a popular system, and there is no doubt at all that the Islamic Republic is a popular system.

3-Establishing an independent system
The goal of the Islamic Revolution was primarily to create an independent system inside the country.

4- The overthrow of the aristocracy
The government's actions, which were indicative of extravagance, aristocracy, and indulgence in spending people's money, prompted people to show their responsibility.

5- Freedom
Before the victory of the Islamic Revolution, there was no freedom of thought, freedom of expression, or freedom of decision-making. People were not satisfied with this; They were asking for these freedoms.

6-Preservation of Iranian culture
People wanted this country with its deep and rich culture not to be blindly dependent on foreign culture.

7- Establishing justice
The Islamic Revolution broke out in order to establish justice. justice was the purpose of the prophets; It is also the goal of the Islamic Revolution.

8- exaltation of Islam
The Islamic Revolution was for the exaltation of Islam. People also launched this revolution and believed in Imam Khomeini for this Islamic motive.

9- Building a life with dignity
our revolution was in the building of a life with dignity for human beings

10- Elimination of poverty and discrimination
One of the goals of our revolution was for people to live as God commands. In such a way that there is no poverty, no discrimination, and no class gap.

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