characteristic of the best people from the point of view of the Holy Quran?

12:22 - 2023/05/08

God has ordered piety in several verses and glorified those who are pious. According to God's statement in Surah Hujorat; the most valuable people in the eyes of God are those who observe piety more than others.  These people do their utmost to fulfill God's orders and do not prefer anything to God's wishes


characteristic of the best people from the point of view of the Holy Quran?

What is the characteristic of the best people from the point of view of the Holy Quran?

 characteristic of the best people

In the Holy Quran, many characteristics are mentioned for the best people who have faith, the most important of which are:

1. Piety: God has ordered piety in several verses and glorified those who are pious. According to God's statement in Surah Hujorat; the most valuable people in the eyes of God are those who observe piety more than others.[1] These people do their utmost to fulfill God's orders and do not prefer anything to God's wishes.

2. Jihad: Considerable verses of the Qur'an are devoted to issues related to war and jihad. In some of these verses, God has compared the mujahids with those who distanced themselves from jihad and has given them the good news of a great reward[2] .And he says: "They are the ones who sell their property and their lives and take Paradise as their own in return." [3]

3. Humility: Those who are humble before God and whose hearts have reached the level of confidence and certainty are mentioned in the Qur'an as "Mukhbatin". These people are those who, upon hearing the name of God, their hearts are filled with the fear of God, and they are patient in the face of calamities and are charitable. [4]

4. Remembrance of God: One of the commands that God has given to Muslims in the Qur'an is to remember God a lot [6] and the purpose of obligatory prayer is also considered to be the same issue. [5]On the contrary; He called those whose hearts do not remember God as negligent and forbade them from being negligent. [6]The Qur'an considers one of the effects of remembering God to be that it causes God to remember that person and favor him. [9]



[1]- Room: 13

[2] - Nisa, 95.

[3]- Tawba, 111.

[4] - Hajj, 34-35.

[5] - Taha, 14.

[6]- Araf, 205.

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