What was Imam Khomeini's lifestyle like?

11:02 - 2023/06/04

Imam Khomeini was prevented from being contaminated by small and big sins in all situations, for example, no one dared to backbite in his presence or attribute inappropriate words to anyone.

What was Imam Khomeini's lifestyle like?

What was Imam Khomeini's lifestyle like?

Imam Khomeini (PBUH) was not only a powerful political leader and was considered the spiritual support of the system, but during his blessed life and after that he was a worthy role model for all people. As the supreme leader of the revolution Ayatollah Khamenei said in a part of his speech in   May 19, 1999:[1]

Our beloved Imam _not only in Iran but also in many other nations_ people’s heart beat in his memory, and whose words, teachings and practical ways are a lesson for them - he was a role model for all walks of life.

As an example, one of the characteristics of Imam Khomeini that played a prominent role in his practical life was piety.

In all situations, the Imam prevented from being contaminated by small and big sins, for example, no one dared to backbite in his presence or attribute inappropriate words to anyone.

In addition to piety in personal matters, he was also pious in public and political matters, for example, he never judged his enemies unjustly, lest this cause him to do injustice to his enemies.[2]

Imam Khomeini


[1]- https://farsi.khamenei.ir/speech-content?id=2945

[2]- https://www.jamaran.news/%D8%A8%D8%AE%D8%B4-%D8%B2%D9%86%D8%AF%DA%AF%DB%...

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