The Importance and Impacts of attendance in elections - 2

18:34 - 2024/06/05

 - Conducting any kind of elections in the country will have positive effects on the political, social and psychological aspects of the society.


The Importance of Elections

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Nahj al-Balagha of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) which is considered as one of the most important religious documents, clarified many principles, rules, social and political rules for the societies. It gave the world many instructions in this regard, especially for the Muslim society.

During the period when control over the affairs of parts of the Islamic country was in the hands of incompetent and materialistic rulers such as Muawiyah and..., Imam Ali (peace be upon him) sent his best companion (Malik al-Ashtar) to Egypt. He accompanied it with valuable and comprehensive instructions. In part of the governmental and political charter, the Imam expressed his concern about the corruption of unrighteous rulers.[1]

The Imam (peace be upon him) believed that political sovereignty was a right from God, so he felt worried and sad about this divine right falling into the hands of evil people and their control over Islamic society.

Therefore, if people choose the corrupt rulers, the Islamic society will move towards a government of the corrupt rulers. The result will be the control of the oppressors over the people’s destiny and capabilities. Imam Baqir (peace be upon him) says: “And from every nation, God has removed the knowledge of the Book from them when they rejected it, and their enemy took over them when they turned to it”.[2], [3]


[1] Nahj al-Balaghah, Letter 53

[2] Al-Kafi: 8/53/16

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