Introducing Imam Hussain based on the teachings of Islam - 1

15:25 - 2024/07/22

It is very important to introduce Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) to the people based on the teachings of Islam, not based on our personal impressions of that Imam.

Introducing Imam Hussain (A.S)

The Necessity of Introducing Imam Hussain (A.S)  based on the teachings of Islam

As an Islamic leader, Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) can be a good role model for those who, in addition to paying attention to and observing the principles of religion in their daily lives, have also stepped on the path of anti-tyranny and freedom.

The arrival of the month of Muharram and the days of mourning for the leader of the martyrs, Abu Abdullah Al-Hussein (peace be upon him), is the best opportunity for the friends of the martyred Imam, in addition to holding mourning meetings and trying to obtain divine approval, to become more familiar with the teachings and life of that Imam and to follow them.

It may seem unimportant, but sometimes it is necessary to introduce Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) to the audience in the funeral processions. Because the incorrect and insufficient introduction of him and trusting the mental imaginations of the uninformed audience prepares the ground for creating deviations and wrong perceptions of Hosseini's movement.

Undoubtedly, the factor that attracts those who attend funeral gatherings and delegations is love for Imam Hussain, but unfortunately, some mourners remain in the stage of "love" for Imam, not the stage of following his advice and teachings. It doesn't matter much to them as well.

It seems that the main reason for this lack of importance and inattention to the sayings of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) is the wrong understanding of that Imam. The beginning of the holy movement of Seyyed al-Shuhada (peace be upon him) was to oppose the cruel and corrupt ruler of his time, and in the same way, the anti-tyranny and avoidance of humiliation can be observed until the last moment of that Imam's life. [1]

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