The servant of the two holy cities or the servant of the US and Israel?

10:44 - 2015/10/06

In the tragic incident of Mina the Saudis did what even the polytheists at the time of ignorance would not do.

In the tragic incident of Mina the Saudis did what even the polytheists at the time of ignorance would not do. According to history the Arabs attached great importance to Mecca even in the pre-Islamic era.
They used to provide water for the pilgrims of mecca and they boasted about this. But in this incident in spite of the fact that water was available and the guards could save many lives did not do anything and watched the pilgrims dying in the stampede. Many of the eyewitnesses in the stampede say that many people died because of thirst and the hot weather.

There were firefighter engines in the scene carrying water which could lessen the pilgrims feeling hot but unfortunately the guards did not help in any way. How can they claim that they are Muslims while they were watching their Muslim brothers dying and didn't do anything. Many people say it was due to mismanagement but here is the question that even if it was so then why those in charge who were present in the scene didn't do anything to help the people in danger.
In fact what the Saudis don't care at all is the life of people. This incident is another stain on the character of the Saudis.

How the Saudis dare to claim that they are the servants of the two holy cities of Mecca and Medina while they are responsible for many killings and bombings in different parts of the Muslim world. Many people know that it is the Saudis who are responsible for financing and sponsoring the terrorists in countries like Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and elsewhere. They have launched a war against their Muslim brothers in Yemen and are helping Al-Khalifah regime in their suppressing the people of Bahrain. Who doesn't know that many of the suicide bombings taking place in different countries is supported ideologically and financially by the Saudis and this is what the US and Israel want i.e. Muslims waging  war against each other. So they better name themselves the servants of the U.S. and Israel not the servants of the two holy shrines.

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