The Important Lesson from Imam Sajjad (A)

12:40 - 2017/10/04


The Important Lesson from Imam Sajjad (A)

After the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (A), his progeny, especially imam Sajjad (A) had a very critical condition because he had to keep the real message of Islam alive while the army of Yazid were treating him badly. Yazid took him as well as other family members of Imam Hussein (A) as captives and prisoners of war in Karbala putting them in heavy chains. They were treated worse than criminals as if they were slaves, whereas they were the household of the Prophet Mohammad (P).

But despite the very critical condition that Imam (A) had in Medina, he continued preaching the true religion of Allah (J) quietly which inspired a large number of people throughout the history. But the tyrant rulers of his time began to realize the dangers that they faced from the Imam (A)'s preaching and character. That is why Walid (the last ruler of Imam's time) decided to poison and kill the Imam and finally Imam Sajjad (A) was poisoned by the governor of Medina and martyred on 25th Moharram 95 A.H. (713 A.D.) [1]

Fortunately, there are a huge number of narrations and hadiths which have been narrated from the fourth infallible imam (A) by the great Sunnite and Shiite narrators and scholars. When we refer to the sayings and traditions quoted from Imam Sajjad (A) we take important lessons from this infallible Imam (A).  One of the most important facts upon which Imam Sajjad (A) emphasizes in his traditions is the loyalty and faithfulness towards Almighty Allah (A). In one of his supplications the Holy Imam says "(O Allah) Put our efforts on Your path, specify our endeavors on obeying You, and purify our intentions in dealing with You" [2]

But there might be some sort of miss understanding of the very phrase of his supplications and character of Imam Sajjad (A) as he is known as the great supplicants and worshiper of Gad. It might be assumed that the fourth imam (A) was just all the time saying the prayers, reciting the holy Quran, worshiping Gad and doing nothing else. But in another of his meaningful traditions Imam Sajjad (A) teaches us how to live in accordance with the Islamic principles dividing our daily time into different parts according to which we must perform our religious duties.  

In the following tradition quoted from Imam Sajjad (A), Imam says that the holy Prophet (P) divided his time at home into three parts; a part for (worshipping) Allah, a part for his family and a part for himself. [3] From this narration it is understood that a real Muslim must have a timetable for his daily life according to which he or she must perform his religious tasks and also he should manage his lifetimes. Based on the aforementioned points, when Imam (A) says about his uncle Imam Hassan (A) that he was the most worshiper of the people of his time as well as the most virtues and superiors [4], it doesn’t mean that the second imam was all the time busy with saying the prayers and worshiping Allah (J) the exalted.

Finally, it must be noted that according to Imam Sajjad (A) the infallible imams and household of the holy Prophet (S) [Ahl ul-Bayt], preserve people of the earth as the stars are security of residents of heaven. [5] It is the meaning of the well-known narration of the holy Prophet Mohammad (A) which says if a person dies while does not know the Imam of his time he will die the death of ignorance.

[1] Manaqib of ibn Shahrashub, v6, p.176.
[2] See: Sahifa-e-Sajjadiya p. 411  امام سجّاد (علیه‌ السلام): وَاجعَل جِهادَنا فِیکَ، وهَمَّنا فی طاعَتِکَ، وأخلِص نِیّاتِنا فیک مُعامَلَتِکَ.
[3] See: Makarem la-Akhlagh, v 1, p. 4. امام سجاد (علیه ‌السلام): کانَ [رسولُ الله] إذا أوَى إلىَ مَنْزِلِهِ، جَزَّءَ دُخُولَهُ ثَلاثَةَ أجْزَاءٍ: جُزْءاً لِلَّهِ، وَجُزْءاً لِأهْلِهِ، وَجُزْءاً لِنَفْسِهِ.
[4] See: Mizan al-Hikmah امام سجاد (علیه السلام) : إنَّ الحَسَنَ بْنَ عَلِیٍّ بنِ أبی طالِبٍ (علیه السلام) کانَ أعْبَدَ النّاسِ فی زَمانِهِ وأزْهَدَهُم وأفْضَلَهُم
[5] See: Ahl-al-bait, v 1, p. 262. امام سجاد (علیه السلام): «نَحنُ أمانُ أهلِ الأرضِ کَما أنَّ النُّجُومَ أمانٌ لِأهلِ السَّماءِ.»


Despite all the critical conditions that Imam Sajjad (A) had in Medina, he continued preaching the true religion of Allah (J) quietly which inspired a large number of people throughout the history. Thus, there are numerous hadiths narrated from the fourth infallible Imam (A) referring to which we take important lessons from this Infallible Imam (A).  One of the most important one is the loyalty and faithfulness towards Almighty Allah as Imam (A), himself, is known as the great supplicants and worshiper of Gad. Imam Sajjad (A) teaches us how to live in accordance with the Islamic principles dividing our daily time into different parts some of which should be dedicated to (worshipping) Allah (J).

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