A Glance at the Life and Personality of Imam Sajjad (A)

20:14 - 2017/10/03

It is a brief introduction to the life and personality of the Fourth Shiite Imam Zain al-A’bedin (A), son of Imam Hussein (A), who was martyred in 95 (AH) after 35 years of imamate.

A Glance at the Life and Personality of Imam Sajjad (A)

Imam Sajjad, Ali ibn Hussein (A), entitled Zayn al-A’bedin, was son of the third Shiites’ Imam Hussein (A). He was the only son of Imam Hussein (A) who survived in Karbala, due to his severe illness and inability to carry arms, while all of his other three brothers were martyred. [1] He was one of the captives amongst other progeny of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (S), who were taken as captives in Karbala and were sent to Damascus by ibn Zyad. Imam Sajjad was captured by the Umayyad kings two times in his life and was sent from Medina to Damascus, first by Yazid ibn Muawiyyah and second by Abd al-Malik. [2] The fourth Imam (A) was poisoned by Walid ibn Abd al-Malik through the instigation of the Umayyad caliph Hisham, in 95/712 after 35 years of imamate. [3]

The catastrophic tragedy of Karbala was a sign of morality’s death in the Islamic world at the time of the fourth Imam (A).  Therefore, the holy Imam (A) spent most of his time in worship and saying prayers, to teach Muslim nation the importance of morality and remind them of the Islamic ethics and moral values. Imam Sajjad (A) was teaching and guiding his followers through his prayers that his great disciples such as Abu Khalid Kabuli and Abu Hamzah Thumali etc. disseminated his religious teachings and lessons amongst Muslims. In this way Shi’ism spread considerably and remained alive during the imamate of Imam Zain al-A’bedin (A).

One of the most important and effective speech that Imam (A) made in the history is his lecture which was given by him (A) in Damascus before Yazid in his castle. Imam (A) introduced himself as following:   "I am the son of Muhammad Mustafa (S). I am the son of Ali Al-Murtaza (A) who fought the polytheists in the battle till they submitted to Islam and fought in the presence of the Prophet until his sword was broken and to whom Zulfikar was given ..."

The speech was so influential that everybody in the Mosque began to weep and to blame Yazid. Imam continued addressing yazid that "Tell me o Yazid, Muhammad (S) was my grandfather then why have you killed his son and imprisoned his family? Yazid had no reply to give. That is why the people turned against Yazid. They began to blame him and ask for the release of Imam Zain al-Abidin (A) and the womenfolk of the house of the Prophet. Yazid therefore freed Imam Zain al-Abidin (S) and let him return to Medina with full honor and respect.

Finally, it should be mentioned that Imam (A) was the most knowledgeable man of his time as the following phrases of his prayers support this claim. The holy Imam (A) in one of his prayers gives a unique description of God and divine unity saying that: “O my God, I renounce those who seek to discover You through human comparisons. My God, there is nothing like You, and they have not become aware of You. It is clear that the favor which they have is their evidence for You, if they would (choose to) know You in Your creation, My God, I am free from the fact that they should give You (these characteristics). Indeed they have pictured You according to Your creation. Thus they do not know You and have adopted some of Your signs as (if they were their) Lord.” [5]

Conclusively, it could be concluded from the aforementioned facts that Imam Sajjad (A) was the great teacher of ethics and morality because after the tragedy of Karbala he started teaching Muslims the forgotten principles of Islam including moral teachings of his grandfather the Prophet Mohammad (S). His lecture before Yazid in Damascus shows that how brave and courageous was the son of Imam Hussein (A) whose speech changed the situation and conditions. Actually his patience, courage, knowledge, and sacrifice changed the history of Islam and guide the nation of his grandfather into the right path.

[1] See: Maqatil al-Taiibin, p 52 and 59.
[2] Ithbat al-Hudah, v5, p. 242; Tazkerat al-Khawas, p. 324.
[3] Manaqib of ibn Shahrashub, v6, p.176.
[4] The Virtues of Imam Zayn al-Abidin (A), http://www.imamreza.net/eng/imamreza.php?id=7097

Imam Sajjad, Ali ibn Hussein (A), entitled Zayn al-A’bedin, was son of the third Shiites’ Imam Hussein (A). He was the only son of Imam Hussein (A) who survived in Karbala, and he was one of the captives amongst other progeny of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P), who were sent to Damascus by ibn Zyad. Since, the catastrophic tragedy of Karbala was a sign of morality’s death in the Islamic world, Imam Sajjad (A) started teaching Muslims the forgotten principles of Islam including moral teachings of his grandfather the Prophet Mohammad (P).Therefore, the holy Imam (A) spent most of his time in worship and saying prayers, to teach Muslim nation the importance of morality and remind them of the Islamic ethics and moral values. In fact, Imam Sajjad (A) taught and guided Muslims through his prayers as his great disciples like Abu Khalid Kabuli and Abu Hamzah Thumali etc. disseminated his religious teachings and lessons amongst Muslims.

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