
Brief history of the life of Imam Hasan ibn Ali 'Askari

 Brief history of the life of Imam Hasan ibn Ali 'Askari
10:52 - 2021/11/14

Imam Hasan ibn Ali 'Askari, the son of the tenth Imam, was born in 232/845 and according to some Shi'ite sources was poisoned and killed in 260/872 through the instigation of the Abbasid caliph Mu'tamid. The eleventh Imam gained the Imamate, after the death of his noble father, through Divine Command and through the decree of the previous Imams.


Ahlulbayt 13:09 - 2018/06/18

قال رسول الله ( صلی الله علیه و آله): لکل شی اساس و اساس الاسلام حبنا اهل البیت ؛ الکافی، ج 2 ، ص

The Important Lesson from Imam Sajjad (A)

The Important Lesson from Imam Sajjad (A)
12:40 - 2017/10/04


The position of lady Fatima Masuma in Hadiths

The position of lady  Fatima Masuma in Hadiths
21:20 - 2016/08/07


The Hadiths narrated about Hadrat Ma’soomah (PBU) reveal her superiority in knowledge and virtue. From the point of view of Ahl al-Bait (PBUT), Hadrat Ma’soomah possesses a high status. In regards to her particular status,

Who is the Lady Fatima Masuma (PBU)

Who is the Lady Fatima Masuma (PBU)
12:44 - 2016/08/07

Imam Ja`far al-Sādiq (PBU):
“A lady from my children whose name will be Fatima, daughter of Mūsā, will die in Qum. On the Day of Judgement this lady will intercede for all my Shi`a to enter Heaven.”
`Allāmah Majlisī narrates from Imam al-Sādiq (PBU) said:“A lady from my children, by the name of Fatima will be buried in Qum. Whoever visits her [shrine], will certainly be admitted to Heaven.”

Did the Prophet Not Select a Person to Succeed Him?

Imam Ali
15:48 - 2016/06/10

Can one really believe that considering that when the Holy Prophet left the city for just a few days for a conflict (like Tabuk [8]), he did not leave Madinah empty of his successor and he took steps to assign a person (Imam Ali) to succeed him and act in his place, he not guarantee the future generations after his death by selecting his successor but rather left the nation in the middle of an abundant number of groups who had differences of opinion on the method of the continuity of Islam?...

Imam Mahdi, the Gateway to God

12:41 - 2016/06/09

The Imam of the age and his fathers (infallible Imams) along with the Quran are the gateway to knowing God and Islam. So knowing Islam would be impossible without gaining a knowledge of our Imam, hence, it would be impossible to attain blessedness in this world and the world hereafter without cognizance of him...

What's the reason behind the naming of the Lady Fatima (as)?

What's the reason behind the naming of the Lady Fatima (as)?
07:19 - 2016/02/21

Summary: Why was the Lady Fatimah (as) given such a name?

Let's spread the teachings of Ahlul-Bayt

09:57 - 2016/01/05

One of the important duties of the followers of Islam is to do their best to spread the message o

Who are the Ahlul-Bayt?

Who are the Ahlul-Bayt?
10:03 - 2015/12/21

According to many traditions, we are told to refer to the household of the Prophet: “Ahlul Bayt” or “’Itrah”. Like the tradition of Thaqalain [1] and the tradition of Noah's Ark [2]…
 But first we need to know what these terms refer to.

The event of Harrah proves Yazid’s transgression

Tha Battle of Harrah
12:30 - 2015/10/11

The battle of Harrah is a very well-known incident in the Islamic history which has been discussed by Muslim scholars throughout the history. According to the history, Yazid, the son of Mu‘awiyah, committed many atrocious crimes against Islam and Muslims during his three years caliphate, that prove his transgression. One of them is massacring the ordinary and innocent people of Madina On 28th of the Islamic month of Zil-Hijjah in 63 (AH).

Holiness Khadija

08:12 - 2015/08/29
