Why Is There Increasing Denominational Tension in the Islamic World?

00:12 - 2015/11/10

The terrorist groups backed by the western powers kill innocent people of Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan to increase the denominational tensions in the region. This article is going to discuss why these terrorist groups do this and what are the main reasons behind it.

Who is Behind the Increasing Denominational Tensions in the Islamic World?

The military presence of the western powers in the Islamic countries especially Iraq and Afghanistan has only served to raise denominational and racial tensions between different religious sects and ethnic groups. The terrorist groups backed by the US have killed thousands of innocent people in Iraq, Syria, Pakistan and Afghanistan since 2001. Most of the people killed by these extremist groups are amongst followers of different sects and ethnic groups.  

Recently Terrorists have decapitated seven Shia Muslims including four men, two women and a child who are belonging to the Hazara ethnic group in the in southern Afghanistan Zabul province. [1] The terrorist groups provided with military equipment and intelligence by the western powers in the region are massacring Shiite and Sunnite peoples in the Islamic countries in order to increase denominational tensions and conflicts between Muslims. That is why hundreds of thousands of Shiites and Sunnites have been killed in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Syria since the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan.

It is not the first time that terrorist groups kill innocent hazara and Shia Muslim in Afghanistan. Last year armed men abducted six Shia Muslims on a highway linking Afghanistan’s western province of Farah to neighboring Herat Province. Abductions and decapitations regularly happen in Afghanistan by terrorist militias and the Taliban militants. On February 23, masked gunmen kidnapped 30 Shia Muslims in the southern province of Zabul as they were traveling on two buses in central Afghanistan. On April 6, Afghan authorities recovered the dead bodies of some of the hostages in the southern province of Zabul. [2] In another incident, 17 Hazaras beheaded by Taliban in Gizab, Afghanistan on July 7, 2014. [3] Terrorists have decapitated five Shia Muslims belonging to the Hazara ethnic group in the southeastern Afghan province of Ghazni on April 17, 2015. [4]   |

The ISIL and other Takfiri terrorist groups backed by the west in Afghanistan have tried their best to increase social and political tensions in the country to destabilize the whole region. They are trying to pave the ground for military presence of the western powers in the central Asia that is why Afghanistan has witnessed years of instability despite the presence of foreign troops. Whereas The United States and its allies removed Taliban from power in 2001, but insecurity still remains in Afghanistan and tensions are growing amongst the different ethnic and religious groups that best suit the arrogant powers' interests.

No one can doubt that before the military appearance of the US as well as its western allies in the Islamic territory, we had never seen such killings of innocent people in the region. It is very much clear that any kind of tensions in the Islamic countries assist the Zionist regime and its supporters to weaken Muslim nations. Based on the mentioned facts all Muslims must know that what is the role and mission of the terrorist groups in the Islamic countries and how important is to resist against arrogant powers in the region. 

[1] http://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2015/11/09/436973/Afghanistan-President-Ghani-Hazara-Shias-Zabul; See also : http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/10/world/asia/afghan-fighters-loyal-to-isis-beheaded-7-hostages-officials-say.html?_r=0
[2] http://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2015/03/17/402245/Gunmen-abduct-6-Shias-in-Afghanistan
[3] http://www.hazara.net/2014/07/17-hazaras-beheaded-by-taliban-in-gizab-af...
[4] http://tribune.com.pk/story/871896/five-abducted-hazaras-beheaded-in-afg...

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