Arbae'en Manifests Islamic Unity and Brotherhood

09:48 - 2021/09/26

Despite efforts made by western-backed terrorists and fundamentalist groups to increase religious tension among Muslims, Arbaeen, the world's largest peaceful gathering, shows that Islamic unity is achievable.   

Islamic Unity is the Main Lesson of Arbae'en to All Muslims

Arba'een is the world's largest peaceful gathering that occurs each year on the 20th of Safar (the 40th day after Ashura) in Karbala. In this gathering, millions of people from different countries across the world come to Karbala [1] to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussein Ibn Ali (as) the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&hf), and his 72 companions, who were killed by Yazid's army in the Battle of Karbala in 61 AH (680 CE). [2] Since Arba'een is one of the largest pilgrimage gatherings on the Earth, in which around 20 million Muslims - from different parts of the world - go to the city of Karbala in Iraq, it is the exact manifestation of Islamic unity and brotherhood in the world.

Not only the Muslims but also the Christians, Yazidis, Zoroastrians, and Sabians partake in both the pilgrimage as well as serving of the devotees. [3] Pilgrims from European countries including Sweden, Russia and even a delegation from Vatican City have joined in past observances. Some Iraqi Christian religious leaders also joined the delegation from the Vatican. [4] Many delegations from various African countries including Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania and Senegal have also participated in Arba'een. [5]

Fortunately, this huge number of people holds this ceremony very peacefully, and all the residents of Karbala as well as its neighboring cities provide the pilgrims with food, accommodations, residence, medical services, and other services freely. That is why this gathering is unique in the world, and there is no similar peaceful and massive rally, in which this huge number of people are served freely to gather from across the globe without any problem and challenge.

From the mentioned points it can be concluded that Muslims are capable of becoming united and resolving their unnecessary domestic disputes. Contrary to the terrorist and takfiri groups who kill innocent followers of the different Islamic sects as well as non Mulsims throughput the world, this huge gathering of Muslims and non-Muslims in Karbala shows that Muslims respect non-Muslims and they also take part in this Islamic ceremony to respect Islam and its followers.  

Finally, it must be mentioned that people of the Middle East and the Islamic world can live a peaceful life with their non-Muslim brothers on condition that the arrogant powers of the world do not intervene in the domestic affairs of Islamic countries. Arbaeen's important lesson to all Muslims is that they must not give any chance to their enemies to make use of their minor and unimportant differences to cause religious and political tensions among them. The terrorist and takfiri groups, backed by the western powers, are trying to pave the ground for the presence of the Muslims' enemies in the region, that is why Muslims must be aware of the conspiracy against them and try their best to be united against these non-Muslim terrorist groups.   

[3]  Al-Modarresi, Mahdi. "World's Biggest Pilgrimage Now Underway, And Why You've Never Heard of it! huffingtonpost". Retrieved 2014-12-11.
[4] "Christians in Karbala in Arbaeen". Retrieved 2014-12-11.
[5] Dearden, Lizzie (25 November 2014). "One of the world's biggest and most dangerous pilgrimages is underway". The Independent.

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