Marriage in the Quran

11:52 - 2016/04/20

Nowadays the marriage is big challenge in all over the world and  white marriage is one of them because many people thinks that marriage is the cause of poverty but Allah has promised in the holy Quran that he will solve the problems and difficulties,

Nowadays the marriage is big challenge in all over the world and  white marriage is one of them because many people thinks that marriage is the cause of poverty but Allah has promised in the holy Quran that he will solve the problems and difficulties, saying:

إِنْ یَکُونُوا فُقَرَاءَ یُغْنِهِمْ اللَّهُ مِنْ فَضْلِه
 “If they are needy (poor), Allah will make them free from want, out of His grace.”{1} but Satan promises poverty and encourage you to unchastity.

الشیطانُ یَعُدِکُم الفَقرَ و یَامُرُکم بالفُحشاء
Satan threatens you with poverty and orders you to immorality.{2}

And Imam Sadiq (pbu) said:

من ترک التزویج مخافة الفقر فقد اساء الظن بالله-عز و جل
Anyone leave the marriage for fear of poverty he is distrustful to God.{3}

1) (24:32)
2) (2:268)
3) La Yhzrh al-Faqih, vol 3, p 251

Source: SPOUSE SELECTION&option=com_mtree&task=readonline&link_id=3374&page=18&chkha

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