The Importance of the Need to Attack the Nest of American Espionage

17:41 - 2023/10/30

     The American embassy was captured by students following the line of the Imam on 4 - 11 – 1979.  After 444 days its employees were released by the Algerian Treaty. The trigger of this incident was America's conspiratorial actions in different regions of Iran during 9 months after the revolution. In the following, we point out that why this action was important from the perspictive Imam Khamenei:

attack on Spy Nest

Attack on the US Spy Nest from Perspictive of Imam Khamenaie:

One of the methods of global arrogance to control and then digest revolutions in its digestion. It is "infiltration" and then reproduction of "dependency and colonialism".  Imam  Khamenaei said in this regard: "If you look at the history of the last thirty or forty years, you will see the countries [that have revolutionized] that have joined the American regime. They became dependent. From which way? Through intimidation, or coercion, or neediness, or pressure. They put all kinds of pressure on these countries and independent nations. They had not completely cut off the relationship either. There was also the ambassador, there were also American officials. They tempted, left, came and even emptied the hearts of leaders of revolutions and leaders of nations. They used to scare them, intimidate them, and the one who was intimidated can be removed from the field with a little push. This is the fate of most revolutions, if not all. What we saw closely. what we read in the news at the same time in the world. Whether before the revolution or its aftermath. Some of us saw after the revolution, was the same. What was the cause of this return? It was that the imposed link between the superior power of the aggressor and autocratic government of America and these countries had not been broken.” 3 - 11 - 1993

The last point is that despite this historical and the struggle of the nation against the arrogant and domineering government of America. The enemy is not desperate to re-infiltrate and restore its dominance. Imam Khamenaei said: "It is an enemy of the Islamic system and wants to maintain the same status as before. They say to open the windows... I said yes, open the windows so that we who have been kicked out of the door can come in; Open the windows so we can get in easily." 3 - 11 - 2015

He said as well: “This was a huge movement that our youths did. The 13th of Aban was a manifestation of the greatness of the Iranian nation. It was not like they had a problem with several people living in an embassy. The problem was the problem of an important job and a symbolic work in the fight against arrogance which happened rightly. Well, the American regime is an arrogant regime. and the arrogant regime is a comprehensive of many losses, mischief and evils. The arrogant regime is both a warmonger. a terrorist, a terrorist breeder, an interventionist, corrupt, and monopolistic. That is, when we say "arrogance regime", it is the comprehensive arrogance of all these ugliness, evils and mischief. Therefore, fighting with this arrogance, with this phenomenon, is the same as rationality. Now some people say, "Sir! This is against rationality, it is against planning"; No, it was not against the plan; This was exactly the same as rationality; Surrendering and being under the burden was against rationality.

We were not the initiator either. That is, it was not the case that [we] attack ed first - in the Holy Qur'an is said: "And they were the initiators." After the revolution, we did not attack the embassy. The American embassy was at the beginning of the revolution and they were busy with their work.  But they started to attacl on the revolution: to pass resolutions.  In the America itself, they were to make speeches, to make decisions in Congress against the newly born Islamic Republic, to start terrorist groups, coup groups to create and prepare and plan, and to provide massive espionage arrangements in the embassy.  This embassy which was rightly called a "nest of espionage"; [So] they started and were  initiators. When they started, the movement of the students who attacked the embassy was actually a defensive move. It was appropriate, it was timely, it was completely rational”. 3 - 11 - 2020


According to the statements of Imam Khamenei, if the nest of American espionage was not captured by the faithful and brave youth of that day, there was a 100 percent risk of the destruction of the fledgling Islamic system or its deviation. In addition, America's domination was possible to be continued over the Iranian nation and it was even possible to divide Iran into several countries. Therefore, the united nation of Iran today owes to that brave movement of the youth of that day.[1]  [2]  [3]





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