The Importance and Role of the Social Presence of Girls and Women from the Perspective of Islam (1)

17:21 - 2023/10/15

-The issue of women's social presence and the role of this group in society has been one of the most discussed and challenging points in different societies. In Islamic countries, dealing with it has been either excessive or negligence. Some have considered the model of the western society as an ideal model. Some others have considered Islamic hijab and modesty as an obstacle to the social presence of women and girls. They have taken an aggressive stance against it. In this article, both views are briefly criticized and the view of Islam is introduced.

A: The petrifying attitude towards the social presence of girls and women:

Because of the Islam's emphasis on veiling and modesty, some have considered it contrary to the social presence of women and have taken an aggressive stance. With a wrong understanding of religious teachings, they have taken even the most basic rights of girls from them. Unfortunately, in some Islamic countries, we still see that girls are deprived of the right to education and other social activities.

These petrified people are unaware of the fact that the principle of the philosophy of Hijab legislation is for social presence. Otherwise it has no meaning within the scope of privacy. Hijab is obligatory for the purpose of preventing exploitation of women in the society. Hijab is not obligatory in their own houses. Hijab means that there should always be a wall between men and women and mixing should not take place. It means that a woman can achieve her rights in the society like a man. So hijab is considered the highest form of respect for women.

B: Western attitude towards the social presence of girls and women:

The liberal attitude towards women's social presence is a great injustice that non-religious movements and schools have towards women's personality and identity. Although this approach appears to be rhetorical from the position of the defender of women's rights, the truth of the matter speaks of political, economic and cultural motives and goals. So far, the social presence of women in the West has been based on goals that have imposed unfortunate consequences on women's society.

1. Employing women in factories and labor companies with low wages was for the benefit of capitalists. Women were paid less than men.

2. In the background of this false and purposeful commotion, they achieved their evil desires and abused her sex in order to gain dirty wealth.

3. Today, in the West, the value of a woman is based on her sex and beauty, that are abused in line with dirty sexual, economic and political desires. This should be a question for women, why should a half-naked woman's photo be pasted even behind a puff?

4. Under the pretext of social presence, Western culture has placed burdens on women's shoulders by imposing hard work in harsh environments. This is not suitable for women's physical and mental condition. In fact, it is a great injustice to them.

5. And...

Islam's view on the social presence of girls and women:

Islam not only considers women to have the same rights as men in the society, but also considers it necessary to be present in some cases. Such as the need for a female teacher in the education of girls, for the treatment of women and girls a female doctor is needed. As well as their nursing and treatments need to be done by women.

In Islam, a woman neither in her father's house nor in her husband's house is forced to work and strive to provide a living. She does not have to endure injuries and hardships in the harsh and noisy environment of factories or in the depths of mines and undergrounds to provide livelihood for the rest of the family. Instead, it is obligatory for the man to provide what she needs.

From the point of view of Islam, in the activities related to the human society and the activities of life, men and women have the same permission. Of course, there are some things that are not for women; Because it does not match their physical composition. There are some things that are not for men; Because it does not match their moral and physical condition. This issue has nothing to do with whether a woman can be in the field of social activities or not. The division of work is according to the possibilities and enthusiasm and the fields of necessity of this work. [1]

Click to Part Two





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