Acting with Caution or Following a Marji‘

11:38 - 2017/12/10

knowledge of  a man determins to act with caution or to follow a marji‘ but it is preferable to follow a qualified mujtahid.

Acting with Caution or Following a Marji‘

Question: Is it better, in your opinion, to act with caution or to follow a marji‘?

Answer: Acting according to caution depends upon knowledge of its cases (instances in which it is applied) and its method. In addition, acting according to caution is time consuming. Thus, it is preferable to follow a qualified mujtahid.[1]

1. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Practical Laws of Islam, Rules of Taqlīd, Caution, Ijtihād, and Taqlīd, Q2.

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