#Ayatollah Khamenei

Unity week in the words of the Supreme Leader

Unity week in the words of the Supreme Leader
09:17 - 2022/10/18

Unity week in the words of the Supreme Leader

Unity week

Lady Fatima Al-Zahra

Lady Fatima Al-Zahra 14:08 - 2018/02/19

No words can describe Hazrat Fatima Al-Zahra (A). We can never speak enough about her virtues.

lessons by Lady Fatima (s.a.)

lesson Lady Fatima 11:05 - 2018/02/19

lessons by Lady Fatima (s.a.)

To Drink Something Served by a Non-Muslim

Drinking Something Served by a Non-Muslim 11:25 - 2017/12/19

Question: One of our workmates is not Muslim and he serves us water and tea.

Merchants Have to Boycott Israeli Goods

Merchants Have to Boycott of Israeli Goods 12:31 - 2017/12/17

Question: Is it permissible for merchants to import and promote Israeli goods in a countr

Social Relations with the People of the Book

 Social Relations with the People of the Book
13:28 - 2017/12/10

There is no objection to associating with the People of the Book socially.  However, it is better to avoid them.

Acting with Caution or Following a Marji‘

Acting with Caution or Following a Marji‘
11:38 - 2017/12/10

knowledge of  a man determins to act with caution or to follow a marji‘ but it is preferable to follow a qualified mujtahid.

Today Terrorism is Our Common Worry

Today Terrorism is Our Common Worry
14:44 - 2017/12/09

I am addressing you[ the youth] that today terrorism is our common worry.

Leader’s letter to the youth in Europe and North America

 Leader’s letter to the youth in Europe and North America
12:46 - 2017/12/05

I am addressing you, the youth in Europe and North America, and I find that the sense of quest for truth is more vigorous and attentive in your hearts.

The Lessons of Today’s Hardship for The youth in Europe and North America

to the youth in Europe and North America
12:43 - 2017/12/05

The youth in Europe and North America, you can be barriers in the misguided path that has brought the west to its current impasse.

To Follow a Qualified Mujtahid of Other Countries

Following a Qualified Mujtahid of Other Countries
11:20 - 2017/12/05
Muslims also Abdor the Perpetrators

Muslims also Abdor the Perpetrators
11:19 - 2017/12/05
