Working in a Restaurant Serving Alcohol

13:51 - 2017/12/24

Working in a Restaurant is not ḥarām itself but it is impermissible to sell ḥarām food and drink.

Working in a Restaurant Serving Alcohol

Question: What is the ruling on a Muslim working in a restaurant in which he must serve alcohol to patrons of the restaurant?

Answer: It is not permissible to do anything in connection with alcohol or wine.[1] There is no problem in working in a restaurant in non-Muslim countries. However, it is impermissible to sell ḥarām food and drink, even if the customer does not see problem in consuming them.[2]

1. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Sistani, Question & Answer, Alcohol7.
2. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Practical Laws of Islam, Ḥarām Gains.

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