The Matrydom of Ali Asghar (Abdullah) bin Al-Hussein (A.S) - (1)

10:51 - 2022/08/06

-Ali Asghar the little baby of Imam Hussein (A.S) who was matryed by inhuman.

TheMatrydom of Ali Asghar (Abdullah) bin Al-Hussein (A.S) - (1)

       Sometimes, some people, especially young people, doubt some events in Karbala, that how could the events be recorded in history with such details?

    In response to this question, the point that exists is that the Arabs, like many other nations, have had a great desire to record events, especially war events because one of the things that were influential in determining the social status of people in the Arab-Islamic society.

The death of Ali Asghar (Abdullah) bin Al-Hussein (A.S) - (1)

    For this reason, sometimes the smallest war events have been recorded and recorded in history.

But the incident of Karbala has been very important and transformational for Muslims and Arabs, friends and enemies, from different aspects.

So friends and enemies have a share in recording and recording the events, the events of this great tragedy and reviving of Islam with the smallest events in recorded history.

   One of these incidents is the martyrdom of the son of Razi (an infant) of Imam Hussein (A.S).

I am quoting the text of the death of the youngest martyr of Karbala, in terms of age, from several sources.1

   These sources are almost the beginning of written sources that were written from chests through narrators.

These few narrations have little differences in details, but they all have the same story.

  Everyone has written that Abdullah Razia was at the lap of Hussain Al-Shaheed (A.S) when an arrow came from the unlucky and ill-fated Ibn Saad's army and tore the thin throat of Ali Asghar.2

    The late Seyyed Ibn Tawus named the killer as Harmala bin Kahl Asadi. The late Sheikh Mofid in Ershad and Tabari only mentioned that a man from Banu Asad shot an arrow in his thin throat of Abdullah.

    These two reports do not contradict each other, because Harlem was also an Asadi, but Ibn Tawus has determined which person was among the men of Bani Asad.3


  1.  "al-Mukhtār ibn Abū ʿUbayd al-Thaqafi". Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. 2013. Retrieved 22 November 2013.
  2. ^ al-Syyed, Kamal. "The Battle of al-Khazir". Mukhtar al-Thaqafi. Qum, Iran: Ansariyan Foundation. p. 21. Retrieved 22 November 2013.
  3. ^ Al-Kashee, Ikhtiyaar Ma`arifah Al-Rijaal, pg. 127, hadeeth # 202


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